Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just another day in Colorado

snow, yup, snow -- didn't stay long, wet, even got to fertilize the yard. Hard to believe, fishing yesterday - 80+ outside, snow today. It has been a good day all in all.

Carolyn is at her first Thursday event with other ufologists. I've been a couple of times, it can be interesting. I actually think I've had a couple of encounters. Maybe I'll share sometime -- maybe not.

Went shopping for a bigger motor for the boat today. Got to do something since if I'm going to run it before heading up North. I'm really looking forward to this trip with Carolyn and my sister. There is nothing better - meal wise, then a great fresh caught walleye shore lunch.

I mentioned May Basket day yesterday -- I think today would really have been the correct day. I didn't leave any this year, haven't since I was a kid - but i do remember it as being fun.

No philosophy today, just a mere data dump. have an excellent tomorrow!

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