Monday, June 23, 2008

The Reunion

Bottom line it was an excellent family reunion. It was well attended - from the eldest to the very youngest. Some folks came a long way. Kathy and Jim hosted it on a piece of property that has been in the family for many years - beautiful stream, camping bowerie (sp - bowery?), camp fire site, horseshoes, trampolines, golf course ( yup - a golf course), swings and beautiful trees.

We shared memories of grandma and grampa Collins - it was clear that grampa was somewhat of a story teller and it was also clear that he and grandma were dearly loved and remembered by all they touched. I think especially memorable were the stories of the feather board, the hole in the floor, the fishing...

We certainly had plenty to eat (5lbs gained by me). I'll work hard to lose that this week. Carolyn and I got to spend quality time with Mum and Dad, Jacque and Howard, and Sharon and Danny. Mike and Vicki - had more trouble in two days than anyone deserves in a year - and didn't complete the journey.

Somehow I was convinced - well, Carolyn and I were convinced - to host this thing in 2010. I'll be recruiting some help from the kids.

We all received some family memory and geneology books that Kathy and Jim put together for us. All of us had sent in pictures and memories - makes for a good read. I promised to get copies made for those that were not able to attend.

It was good to be together and see some cousins not seen in a long time, some nephews and nieces and such. Mom and Jim are the only two siblings with us now - it is good to see that they are so vital and giving of themselves to all of us. Family is, afterall, one of the most important relationships we all have!! Enjoy and remember each other.

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