Monday, September 1, 2008


Did you ever stop and think how connected we all are? I sometimes do, but mostly don't. I'm sitting at Starbucks - a young African American woman sitting across studying - subjects such as organic chemistry. That is one link - come to find out she is an officer in the Air Force studying for a masters degree. Her dad was stationed at Lowry Air Force Base. That is where i met Carolyn -- that, to me is part of our "social conectedness".

So why is that important. We are all connected why can't we get along locally, nationally, or internationally. I suppose for the same reason that we sometimes struggle with thos close to us, brothers and sisters, parents, kids, grandkids - let alone folks we don't "know from Adam". But that doesn't mean that we can't get along to an extent that we end up going to war and killing each other. Does it?Are we so different fundamentally that we can't learn to co-exist on this huge planet of ours?

Yes, the difference in personalities, nationalities, beliefs, color, and language are sometimes great, but isn't that what makes life so beautiful. In nature there are hundreds of different kinds of trees, fish, birds - you get the drift -- we as homosapiens also have those varieties and differences - I think nature (excluding humans) tends to get along within species much better than we as humans do. yah, you can bring up the food chain stuff with fish etc, but that is the natural order of things - bears don't tend to kill each other, nor do cats, horses - except under extreme circumstances-- or maybe, I'm just very naive.

sometimes, we even struggle within ourselves to the point where we as humans will commit suicide rather than live. It doesn't make sense.

We must, each of us recognize that we are of one species, but wse are different and we need to learn to disucss those differences. Sure there are really really bad people - and we need to deal with that in a humane way - but we do need to recognize that humaneness in the other.

And that brings us back to the subject of connectedness - we are all, in one way or another, no matter how slight connected - appreciate that connection and explore it whenever possible. Live the moments you are in - the past is the past, let it go, the future is not yet here - don't dwell on it so much that you lose the present!

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