Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Talk about the great comedy

Eric and I got the new motor installed on the boat. Next step - take it for a trial run and make sure everything is working -- everything.

First, even reading the instructions, it wasn't easy to get the thing tilted for transportation, but, I did figure that out.... I need to buy one of those transom gizzmo's.

Picked up Trenton and Eric, stopped at the gas station bought some high octane gas - the boat guy said by the best, you'll be sorry if you don't. Okay...

Got to Cherry Creek. Only 15 folks in line waiting to put their ships ( I swear some of em were ships) in the water. Went fast though, room for 7 or 8, if you are good at backing up. Lana you'd be proud - I done good.

Eric finish's off and we are in the water.... I hook up the electricity and push the start button. Nuthin, absolutely nuthin. Of course, the fuel line was still in the truck!! -- Eric gets back, I said we need the fuel line - sorry.

I'm looking, Trenton is looking, the back end of the boat is definitely sinking. I open up the lid and the battery compartment and fuel compartment are half full of water. Oops, forgot to put in the plug....

Flip on the bilge pump-- you guessed it, it wasn't hooked up to the battery either.

I find the plug get it in, back end stops sinking

Eric returns, we have the situation under control. Hook up the fuel line - push the starter button, nuthin! Okay, don't panic, what did I forget now, let's see -- oh yah, that little red switch has to be in the up position. Push the starter button - smooth as silk, we are in business. But wait, we only have two life jackets. We send Eric off again! Of course the trailer and truck are at the far end of the parking lot. Of he goes -- what a trooper.

He gets back to the boat. We are just about to take off .. Crap, I forgot the camera and more importantly I forgot the temporary license for the boat. I'll go this time.

Get back to the boat, damn, the fish finder, depth thingy. One more trip to the pickup -- I think we are ready to go!

Snap in the depth finder Nuthin! You gotta hook up the electricity for that too. Well at least we didn't have to go back to the shore and treck to the pickup truck. Okay, now we are finally off - yes, really, we are.

We do all the right things from then on out. Try to follow the break-in instructions, 3/4 for so long, full for so long, nothing for too long, forward, reverse Try the Aerator - works good. Took pictures to prove we did the deed. Spent a few hours on the water, just tooling, and exploring, depth finder seemed to work, saw fish.

Okay - Bilge pump stopped working. I knew that fuse holder was kinda cralppy. I'll replace the electrical panel for sure.. Need to add a switch for the depth finder anyway. May as well do it right.

Fish finder also needs to be moved -- very inconvenient where I put it. Interesting how different things seem on the water than when sitting on the trailer in the drive way.

So lots of lessons learned today. Don't be rushed by the long lines of boats waiting. Make sure you have everything on board before parking the truck and trailer. Make sure you have all the electrical hooked up, the gas line in the boat, the gas tank full - oh, and get a better seat for the driver. I bought too cheap, no support --

Boat 4000$$ Motor 3000$ An afternoon with son-in-law and grandson on the lake -- absolutely priceless!

Enjoy your moments

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