Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May Basket Day

I remember such a day. Neat little baskets of mints, candy, left on the doorstep of a friend. Just another social event that has gone by the wayside.

Took the boat out on the water today- the inaugural or maiden voyage if you will. At least under this ownership. Carolyn and I went to Cherry Creek Reservoir -- I gotta tell you, these boaters were friendlier and more helpful than a lot of folks I've met around here. Getting the boat launched, getting it back out of the water and on to the trailer. We took away a lot of lessons - like don't forget to undo all the tie downs -- the boat wants to stay on the trailer if you don't.

Motor all the way up or it scrapes the bottom. We certainly have a list of things to do - new tie lines, a couple of dock bumpers, store before you go, better battery holder, put the fuel hose on in the right direction -- there is actually an arrow on the ball! I never noticed that before.

Also, even if the light turns green on the battery charger, it doesn't mean the battery is good. So, one more new battery coming up.

How many horses did it take to pull a stage coach. 8 isn't much to push a boat through the water. i'm a looking for something bigger. May have to dip into some savings before going to Canada.

Definitely need to organize the stowing -- and know what is where.

By the way, Carolyn got the only bite -- we actually did a little fishing. what a gorgeous day and what a great place to be.

We, Carolyn and I, were both very pleased with this afternoon's brief adventure. Oh gosh and we really need a better way to tie down the battery! Those suckers are heavy!!!!!! I think it is time for a Haiku --

On the lake
Gulls, Pelicans, Sails
A breeze breaks the calm!

have an excellent day! Value and live each and every moment!

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