Saturday, May 17, 2008


Its Saturday morning. I went for a long walk this morning. The beautiful Carolyn walks every day - she slept in today. What an absolutely awesome day! about 48 degrees, sunny, fluffy clouds, meadowlarks, herons, red wing blackirds, and the pond at the park, one of them nearly full. Spring melt hasn't really hit us yet. It could be a doozy (Not sure that is a word). I certainly hope it is a slow melt - the mountain lakes are really low.

I sent a note to a few folks yesterday - inviting them to read my ramblings - some did! It was nice to hear from them. I saw a lot of squirrels this morning. I love squirrels, I'm not quite sure why -- maybe it is the touching story my Mum told me about. I'll share wome day. But for today:

Cool breeze,
A pair of mallards,
Nature sings...

We saw 5 coyotes in the park the other day. It is really an open space nature trail. Carolyn was watching the Aurora channel and sure enough - Coyote's, deer, fox, have all been spotted. A pack though, is kinda worrysom (sp) to me, especially when Carolyn walks there alone. There has never been any report of anyone being attacked though. I think my brother would like to see that. So, that brings up another subject...

I'm so proud of my family, brothers, sisters, mom and dad -- all and my sons and daughters. They really do try and live life to the fullest and give 100%. I know - I hear of folks that give 110 or 150 percent. How can they 100 per cent is what there is! Now, that probably means that those who are giving less, are really only posting 50-99 percent. It also reminds me of a phrase I once heard about where on is on the scale of whatever -- Let's say there are 5 places to be and if you are in position number 3, well, you are "top of the bottom, bottom of the top, cream of the crap!" Doesn't have a real nice ring to it. Performance ratings suck! And yes, that is yet another topic - I think I'll address it in the future.

In the meantime, if you are not enjoying what you are doing, do something else!

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