Saturday, April 26, 2008


These are not just any other day of the week, though, sometimes they feel like it. I'm an early birder today, trying to get wireless working on one of the 4 computers we have hooked up here. Some success - some failures, but gotta keep trying.

I'm getting ready for a few weeks of vacation. Headed to Canada, then to Myrtle Beach, then to somewhere in Utah for a family reunion. So right now, I'm concentrating on the boat. I just bought one, then I needed to get a picku-up to pull the boat. Got the boat from my Goddaughter's husband, and the pick-up from my son-in-law. Yesterday I put in the rod holders. Now I'm working on the electrical.

Life teaches us these lessons - sometimes we learn them well, sometimes we need to be taught again. Not sure why I wait until so close to vacation time to start preparing and making sure everything is in order - maybe it is the last minute adrenalin rush (I was this way with college papers as well).

Maybe someday the grandkids will read these and get to know grandpa better (they used to call me grumpa! - maybe I still am, but they haven't called me that in awhile)!

So, have yourself another really great day - don't loose sight of the important things in life - you know, those moments that pass by so quickly, you can't get them back! Enjoy them as they come.

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