Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pickup, Boat, and Trailer

Along with the birthday of our youngest son - now 29, and our first grandson, now 10 - Carolyn and I cleaned the cab of the pickup, hooked up the wiring and towed the boat for the very first time. we went to a paking lot to practice. It went well. It didn't go quite as well on a crowded busy street, but we did get it parked - backing up and all. Canada here we come. (The neighbor girls got a good laugh -- )

I do plan on taking the boat for a "maiden voyage" under its new ownership this week. I'm as excited as a teenager.

Back to the birthdays. We visited the Chad and family yesterday. We took Jeremiah (29) and Kairi out to lunch today. We also edged the sidewalks, bundled sticks and stuff into the appropriate length for trash pick-up. Mundane stuff, but so fun when you share the fun with someone who loves you and whom you love so much.

I guess that is the wisdom of the month -- even chores can be fun when you are in the moment. There are all kinds of wealth in the world - it isn't just money or financial security. When I see Jeremiah with Kairi - the affection from a young girl to her dad and the care of Jeremiah for her almost brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps, the wealth is pretty much in our relationships for without them - it can be very, very lonely. My advice, nurture them, nurture all of your relationships - when you feel it in your gut, pick up the phone or drop by - say a special thought, it may be just what they need right then and there.

and that of course brings one to the beauty of children -- they are so in the moment, tell it like it is and are so full of joy... I think that we, as adults, teach it out of them - or discipline it out of them. We can learn so much from children -- so much!

Watch a child today, learn something new -- better yet watch a child every day next week - it could change your life.

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