Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reality Hits

Not really - reality is always with us, sometimes we just don't realize it -really. The beauty of being "in the moment" is that you are in reality all the time. there came a moment this morning that I did, though, realize that my heart really isn't in it anymore -- work that is. Now, that is a a confession of sorts because the last couple of years have been the best and most rewarding working years that one can live - interesting, challenging, great people, failures, successes, team work, laughter and yes, even a few tears.

So, where is all of this leading (aside from the slight fear that someone might actually read this)? An opportunity has come up and I'm hoping to take advantage of it. That could mean a whole new, more relaxed, more joyful - if you can imagine that, more family focused life style. The paper work has been submitted. I'll know in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I'll continue giving 100% - one really can't give 110% or more - 100% is really all we all have.

Be in your moments - live, love, laugh, linger!

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