Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Ready to Go

Let's see - the boat motor isn't in yet. Argggggggg. I guess you should buy those in the winter time. Everything else is set for Canada - gotta get the gallon of oil for shore lunch. I also need to get a new review for the driver side door - I'll do that today. Let's see...maybe it'll be a bit less hectic next year.

I am ready for Myrtle beach as well. Golf clubs out, need to be cleaned. Should try and play a few holes. Tanner will be upset if I miss the ball on my first swing. Gotta start somewhere though. Which driver do I take this year, maybe none - 3 Wood seems to work just fine. I just keep wondering when we'll (speaking for the others) stop thinking we are pros and start hitting from a shorter set of tees!

The weather is really well, Colorado like. Day before yesterday, snow, rain, hail, sun - and shorts.

Today is drizzling and moody... you notice things like that when you live in the moment. That is my redundant suggestion for the day -- live in the moment, it is very interesting!

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