Sunday, July 6, 2008


What are they for? Well, more than anything, I think they are for enjoyment, laughter, family, alone time, movies and popcorn, fishing and golf for the non-retired, that kind of stuff.

Carolyn is off on another adventure later today - she is becoming a real activist in some things - the things that she especially enjoys. I'm not much of an activist myself. But, I do support her in whatever she chooses to be active in.

I'm putting in new doors (interior). This house is a mess from construction or settling perspective. Nothing is square. I'm working on the first door, did all the measurements and crap -- nothing is fitting. A two our job is going to take 50 hours I think. I managed to get the metal door jam's out -- easier than I thought it would be, a hack saw and a claw hammer and they wre gone.

However, when you measure the jam at the top and it is 30 " and at the bottom it is 29 1/2", argg. Then you buy these hollow core doors, with 1" blocking, or pre hung doors - trying to make them fit is well, extremely frustrating. I will get there. I gotta admit, the new door does look better than the old door - which our son had artfully decorated with some strange beings.

The weather is finally a bit cooler today. So, I'm getting some outside work done. Did I say I think I'll go fishing this evening?

Well, enough for now - enjoy your moments, they are limited!

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