Sunday, March 10, 2024

To Blog or Not to Blog

 Good question. I have not written anything in a long time. I'm not even sure why anyone would click "Follow" It is probably because I don't really have a focus. Over the next few days, I'm going to work on that. At this age, you'd think I know what I want to be when I grow up! I think I'll just accept that I am who I am and that there is always room to learn, grow, and participate in life!

Maybe "Ramblings" is the correct tag. It seems that is what I am doing here. June 22, 2021. This is a date that is significant for me. It is almost as significant as August 12, 1967... The day Carolyn and I married each other. Carolyn also had a lot to do with June 22, 2021.  That is the day I became a friend of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. 

These past few years have improved my life boundlessly in body, mind, and spirit. I don't exaggerate here. Perhaps, this "blog" is a way that I can express the gifts of following the teachings of Bruno Groening have impacted my life in a very positive way. They can impact yours as well, in a very positive and meaningful way. (Clicking the link takes you to a new window.) It takes you to the main website for the Circle of Friends. I know you will want to learn more. 

This is NOT a religion. There are folks from every faith, denomination, and culture.  Learn more.

Well, I guess I've decided on my focus and to continue to Blog. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day - what it means to me. I think Mother's Day is a special day to reflect on Mom's and Mom's to be. For me, the day includes Grandmas, Great Grandmas, Single Parents, and many more "categories". I think about all of them today. Mostly though hope our children reach out somehow to their Mom, Carolyn Joan Fahlenkamp. They usually do a pretty good job of that; fingers crossed today.

I think, too, about my Mom and how very special she was in so many ways. I think about the penny I regularly find lying on a sidewalk, a street, or anywhere unusual - that's Mom saying "hi-Lanny."  I think about her poetry and other writings, her love for playing cards, her love for Christmas, for Teddybears, Raggedy Ann and Andys, Scrabble, decorating bird house that Dad built, quilts, and so much more. Thank you Mom! I love you!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Another Early Morning

 It is just one of those days when I wake up and feel organized and ready for a very busy day. Starting off by changing ink cartridges on one of our printers. This day has a lot of volunteer tasks to do. We are preparing for a conference for the North American Region of the Circle of Friends. The conference will be at the Embassy Suites off of I70. Now I know what Mickey was going through when she so capably prepared for our Training Conferences back in the day. But, the tasks are rewarding and so enjoyable. 

I started the year off with a real bang of activity. As the days pass, I'm discovering those things that I enjoy and find rewarding, and I am letting go of those things that I find less satisfying. Focusing on that which gives me joy and happiness is essential. It keeps me more in the moment. 

We will continue to get snow until mid to late April, but it melts faster and helps the grass grow greener. The smaller birds are enjoying the suet. We frequently see robins and chickadees. The squirrels are in season! Folks and their dogs take longer and more frequent walks as the weather warms up! The thunder of motorcycles in the neighborhood has come back. The kids are riding their bikes and scooters to school. We are seeing more of the single-wheel electric uniboards whizzing by the house. Hopefully, these kids don't forget how to walk! At least when they ride a bicycle, they have to peddle from time to time.

We have started the second week with our new foster dog, Tank. Tank has some bad habits, some fun habits, and some questionable habits. I don't think tanks "parent" much cared where Tank did his business. This has been a challenge. Perhaps we just don't quite understand his "signals." This guy is four years old; he should know where to go. It may be just the new surroundings. But this is the first foster pet where we have had an issue. The rest of them knew that walks were for more than exercise! I've noticed, the last two days, that he starts to whine a bit, then spin like a whirling dervish! That's his particular signal that he has to pee!!!

That's Tank and Carolyn! One of Tanks' more peaceful moments. 
Tank also loves to play with his food! The pullets are a bit bigger than a pea. He likes to put one in his mouth, then throw it. He can toss it a good ten feet. He then proceeds to challenge us to a game of keep-away. He also plays catch me if you can! The Tank can be a lot of fun. He can also be a pain in the butt! He is such a pleasure to foster after a not-so-good experience with Woodrow!

So, on with my day! Lots to do! I will enjoy each and every moment of this day! Enjoy your moments too! Each moment is a precious gift! Wishing you and yours all the best, and may your heart's wishes be fulfilled! Trust and Believe, and they already are! 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Woodrow and Murphy

 Woodrow (Woody) and Murphy are our latest pet fosters. They are a couple of Beagle mixed-breed dogs. We have only had them for a few days, but what an adventure. Their noses are constantly searching for food. Woody will try and eat anything he can, get his paws on, and drag to the floor, a real counter surfer. We have to keep our eyes on him constantly. Murph, much older, is also always on the outlook for food. The good news for us is that she is not a counter surfer! 

We've had to close all the upstairs doors,and gate off the downstairs and be on the lookout for strange noises. Those noises usually mean that Woody is into something he shouldn't be. They both get tired of chewing on bones. Woody has managed to knock over my speaker system! In the process, a couple of connections broke loose, but, no serious damage. Woody also tried to eat Carolyn's multi-color ballpoint pen.

His owner said he was chewing on hammerhead one day, so there are no surprises here. Both dogs have a sense of smell that can find a stray dog food pellet anywhere in the house. They are both getting the recommended amount of dog food every day. It is a challenge to keep their water bowl full. It is a good thing this is a short-term foster! They just told me they wanted to go for a walk.  

....We are back. Woody was acting very strange, so I called Pawsitivity. I think he had a seizure, but I am not sure. SS came quickly. He's going to the Vet. Murphy will be picked up later. I don't know why I'm crying!! I just think we feel so responsible for these animals even when they are in our care for only a short period of time! All the best, and live your moments to the absolute fullest!

Just heard Woody did suffer a seizure but is doing okay! Thank you, God; thank you, Bruno!

Monday, February 27, 2023

How did this happen?


Yes, it is a fish on my sidewalk!!!! When most of the snow and ice on the house's Southside had melted, this rather large chunk, dirty and dark, persisted for a few days. I don't know why I didn't bother to kick it out in the straight, but I didn't. A couple of days ago, I was walking back from the mailbox and saw a shape on the sidewalk where the chunk of ice had been. 

From a distance, it looked like a curled-up leaf frozen somehow in the snow and water! As I approached the object, I saw what appeared to be a fish! Indeed it was a fish, a tiny carp? I am still trying to figure out how that fish got there, dehydrated, and caught in ice? I've heard of fish falling from the sky, but usually, after some freakish weather that somehow scooped them up off a lake, then dropped to the earth! I don't see how that could have happened. The lakes are all frozen over! Here it is, about a week later. And what looks like a water spot from melted ice is still there!

Yet another mystery.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

I Owe You an Apology

 Yes you - or me, you owe me an apology - Yes, YOU! Got it? I discovered this morning, after many years of blogging, I can acknowledge and reply to comments! Go figure! So, dear friends and commenters, I scrolled through what is called "Stats" concerning this blog, and there were hundreds of comments that I have not acknowledged! Yours may have been one of those, hence the apology. I promise I will do better! If I owe you a response, let me know by commenting below!

Wishing you all the best! Remember, live your moments to the fullest. Acknowledge your self-worth, love yourself, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, and of course, to others!

Oh, by the way, we had a family night last night - those are always special! This week we also had a brief visit form grandaughter Kairi. She just moved from Helena, Montana, to Laramie, Wyoming! Much closer! It was a gift to see her and how happy she is!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Just one of those days!

 This is one of those Fridays when I'm thankful the week is over. We've had snow, mice, traffic, lack of responses, and we wonder if anyone cares! On the other hand, we had Valentine's day, which we don't celebrate anymore. I looked it up. Here is the definition given by Wikipedia: "It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine. Through later folk traditions, it has become a significant cultural and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world." I've never heard of him. I remember celebrating this day before kindergarten! We made valentines for our classmates, friends, teachers, and parents. I love my wife! I don't need Valentine's day to celebrate our love for each other.

We go to the grocery store and find aisles of candy, cards, and gifts for every holiday! It is as if we are "guilty" of something if we don't buy and give. Now birthdays and anniversaries are something very special that should be celebrated! Why? Because those are celebrations of love and celebrations of the heart!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Talents of the Young and Young at Heart

 So, I last shared something of Chad and his family. Now, it is Heather's turn. Once again, I don't know when this was written, but probably Junior High or High School.  Her handwriting has always been very distinctive, an upright block style, almost printing! Heather has accomplished much. One of her first adventures was being selected as a Cheerleader for the University of Hawaii. That's when Carolyn and the older kids went to Hawaii to visit her.  She was a Cheering Team Leader in High School. ( I wrote an earlier blog about Heather being honored for her Volunteerism.) Heather and her husband, Eric, have raised five children. She and her mother, Carolyn, are addicted to babies!

Heather has what I call an effervescent personality. She is a joyful person and fills a room with her personality. She gives and lives from the heart! I needn't say more. Her words above say it all, really. But you know I love to do collages, so I've done one for this blog as well!

Heather and her husband Eric have always provided their children every opportunity to show and grow their many talents. Whatever the kids wanted to do, they could give it a try and their Mom and Dad support them! I could go on, but you get the drift!

We are so proud of all of them!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

What to "ramble" about?!

Carolyn and I are blessed to have wonderful, talented, honest, creative, compassionate, and empathetic children. Their creativity started when they were very young and continues even today. Carolyn and I were going through old journals, college assignments, and notes written to ourselves. Last evening, we were reading some of those thoughts and stories. The experience was emotional, to say the least! We've also been reading "gifts" our children have created over the years; stories, poems, letters, plays, and much more. With their permission, I will be sharing some of them here. Someone may find them helpful, if not entertaining, or just plain boring. 

The first one I want to share was written by my son Chad. He is a man that I am very proud of, as I am of all of our children. Chad is a real estate agent. He is recognized by his clients as responsive and trustworthy. 

He pretty much learned the ropes and got licensed on his own. He started this as his second career.

His first career was with AMR where he started as an Ambulance restocker and made his way up the ladder to managing an AMR branch in Blue Springs, Mo. Chad was the first of our children to leave for a job in another state. He and his family eventually moved back to Colorado. They live not far from has.

They have loved and still love the mountains of Colorado, a family of hikers. He, and his wife are Subaru Fanatics. They have one of those hot-looking Subarus. They do almost all of their own maintenance on their vehicles. I think his wife, Wendfal, is the head mechanic. Wendfal is a certified personal trainer. Some of chads photos and videos are absolutely awesome. You can look him up on Instagram and YouTube. Clicking the Colorado link will take you to his YouTube channel. Some of my favorite trips to Canada included their son Wolfgang (quite the fisherman)! Their daughter Autumn is a graduate of a Culinary school and is an awesome pastry Chef! 

We are so very proud of all of you! Live and love your moments, your pool playing, your hiking, your baking, your Subaru Club, your wonderful Drone Camera pictures of hikes, keeping my wife physically fit, and so much more. Thank you all, hugs and kisses. And Chad, thanks for the writing you did so many years ago! It brings up so wonderful memories and looking forward to making new ones with the whole Chad and Wendfal Fahlenkamp family!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

One of my favorite trees! On second thought, a few of my favorite trees!


I took the picture at Table Rock Lake in Missouri. Table Rock Lake is one of my favorite fishing destinations (well, after Press Lake kn Canada)! I've only fished it a few times. My sister Lana and I have fished it a couple of times together with a local guide. I can only remember one day that we got skunked. 

What I like about this picture is the emotions and feelings that it brings up in me. Life finds a way! this may look like nothing but a rock ledge, yet this tree's roots find the way to enough moisture that it can not only thrive but every time I see it, looks even healthier. I've tried to "watercolor" the scene several times, but never quite capture it. It is like the tree is alone, but not alone! 

It is early in the morning on February 1st, 2023. I thought a lot about trees last night. One of my favorite stories is "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. Trees really do give, give, and then give some more. I think of the beautiful trees we had in our yard on Tucson St. The great Austrian Pine in the front yard and the Green Ash in the back yard. We lived in that house for over 30 years. The kids all played in that tree.We had a rope and tire swing! Hundreds, my son's dog, would actually climb the tree and stand on one of the huge lower branches. The tree provided shade and joy!

One of the reasons we fell in love with our new home was the trees. We have Emerald Ash, Green Ash, Ponderosa Pine, Birch, Aspen, Blue Spruce, Hawthorn, Viburnum, Northern White Cedar, Douglas Fir, an Indian Plum, and even an Eastern Redbud! All these, and we have such a very small yard. Trees provide a playground for people and for animals. You can see Hundreds in this photo. 

They are a playground for squirrels (another one of my favorite things in nature)! The tree in the picture below was at our home on Tucson St. It lived in our front yard. We took a lot of family pictures under this tree. We made sure when we put the driveway in, that the tree's roots would not be injured. We hugged the tree when we said goodbye to that home. We even drive by and visit the tree once in awhile. I could probably put a few hundred pictures, but maybe only one more picture that kinda says it all.

The last tree in the picture is a family quilt. The quilt was made by my sister-in-law, Quilt fan Jan! This tree represents the descendants of Carolyn's parents. Each leaf is a family member. We've added butterflies to the quilt for newborns over the past years. The tree keeps growing, as do all trees. Trees literally give us life!

So, enjoy them, plant them when you can, give thanks, hug one once in awhile. You will be glad that you did! May all the very best and all good things come to you and yours! Celebrate trees, and celebrate life!

Friday, January 20, 2023

Mom's Reggedy Ann and Andy's

This is another of Mom's wonderful poems! The picture shows just a few of the hundreds she made or collected! If you look carefully, you will see our Grandson amongst them. I'm looking for a few more pictures to update this blog. Before Mom passed, she donated all her Raggedy Anne and Andys to a museum in Iowa, so they could be enjoyed by more boys and girls!

Mom’s Poem about her Raggedy Ann and Andy Collection

In Nineteen Seventy-three,

I started a new family tree

I was at a flea market,

And there I found something neat

Just lying around

I looked at the faces on the tin,

And just like that, I began to grin!

I had an idea as plain as could be

I would make these dolls just for me.

 At that point in time,

Raggedy Ann and Andy were born

And walked right into my heart and home

I’ve made their bodies and painted their faces

I’ve even made them different races

 In the end, they are all Ann and Andy’s

And all as sweet as cotton Candy

Two-hundred and fifty-three

 Take up a lot of space,

But each is in their place

They sit very quiet –

And I love them all,

The thin, the fat, and the short and tall


(Yvonne 2003)

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

I Wasn't Going to Write Today, But

For some reason, I had to! I stayed up late because this computer was behaving really slowly. I've uninstalled some software to see if there are any improvements. There are, the computer restarts more quickly, processes photos, and launches Google Chrome more quickly! Let's see if it stays that way. This has been a perfect day!

I am adding another picture of my Dad! I knew that he was once the Grand Marshal of one of the parades in Montezuma, Iowa. Our family has always lived in small towns. Hartley, Kimbolton, Montezuma, Iowa to name them. Dad started at a municipal power plant in Harley, Iowa. We moved to Kimbolton, where he became the plant superintendent, and then to Montezuma, where he served as the superintendent until the day he passed! He signed a document approving a Wind Generator while on his deathbed! There is really no way to pick just 9 photos for a collage, but I did. I'll probably write more about my whole family again. I have thousands of photos, literally. 

I am in the process of culling them! The process is literally life-giving. Live your moments, each and every one of them.

Sunday, January 15, 2023


 This is my Dad, our Dad. My brother Mike sent this to me a few days ago. I am now seventy-seven years old. I was one of the kids who left home at seventeen early age. I returned for a year after dropping out of the University of Iowa. I realize now how little I knew or remember about Dad. This article brings a flood of memories. I look into his eyes in this picture and see God, a life lived to the fullest. This article tells me how much Dad was respected and loved by the Montezuma, Iowa, community, and the state of Iowa. He was active in many things, yet always had time for us! 

Dad learned all about diesel engines and electricity in the Navy. He served at the end of WWII aboard the U.S.S. Little Rock. He was fortunate to be on the Goodwill Tour, sailing to many ports worldwide. Most importantly, he learned a skill that he loved. 

Beyond that, he was a fisherman, a hunter, an expert rifleman, a volunteer fireman, a fire chief, a legionnaire, a bridge player, a construction, cabinet maker, bowler, gambler, ecologist, model aircraft enthusiast, contractor, dancer, a friend, husband, and father, probably much more.

He was a man of integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, and consistency. He was also our mentor and disciplinarian. He taught us right from wrong. He encouraged us! He and mom gave us what we needed to be on our own, the life skills and opportunities that would serve us for the rest of our lives. There is so much more, but all I can say right now is, thank you, Dad - I love you - I am so very proud of you and to be your son!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Wind River Range Part II

 So, I decided to wrap this up with a collage. I'm the guy in the red shirt with the green backpack. You can easily see the size of the boulders we had to traverse.  It was all worth the effort. The country and the views were incredible.

The dog with us struggled mightily, especially at the upper altitudes and the ruggedness of the terrain. It was probably not the best decision to bring him.

It took longer to get to the summit than we expected, almost four full days. We were going to make a loop but ended up thinking better of it. After spending a night sleeping on the large rocks near the peak, we added back to the base. The canoeing and steepness of the climb took were both challenges. We fished some of the little pools in the stream as we descended. I caught one of the nicest trout in a pool that wasn't much more than four feet in diameter. We ended up canoeing the final three lakes on the last day of the trip. We celebrated our adventure around a campfire on the last night of our trip. It is a trip I will always look back on with great joy. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wind River Range-Canoe and Backpacking in 1978! An adventure to remember!

 I've been trying to remember a backpacking trip back in 1978. It was with some fellows I hardly knew, well, really didn't know at all. One of the guys happened to work at a T.V. Repair shop with a gentleman that had formerly been my partner. F.L. suggested that I go with them. I had never been on a backpacking trip before, and this one would be a challenge. I still remember some of the challenges and have been trying to remember where we went. I knew it was in Wyoming or Montana and near the Tetons and Yellowstone park.

I was working through some photographs today and was looking at a short video of a very windy rainstorm that happened a couple of years ago. The name of the place we did the seven-day trek hit me like lightning - the Wind River Range near Pinedale, Wyoming. There were four of us, two canoes, a dog, and all our supplies. That is me in the cool hat. I remember all the preparations we made. I had to get proper hiking boots (and prep them), a small pop tent, a good sleeping bag, and a backpack. I'm amazed that Carolyn let me go. I'm even more surprised the other three guys would take an inexperienced backpacker like me. Not just inexperienced, but no experience.

There are eight to ten significant trails (back then, they weren't actually trails), and I've narrowed that down to two. We had some fairly long hikes carrying the canoes. In the process, we paddled across three lakes and fished at each one. We had to pack all of our food in for the seven days. We must have counted on getting some fish along the way. We definitely caught fish. Our hike was to take us to the peak of one of the mountains. We followed lakes that got smaller and smaller and beautiful connecting streams that got narrower and narrower. Eventually, we could not get the canoes any further and did the rest of the climb following the stream and various waterfalls.

We would, of course, camp when it got too dark to walk. At night you could hear the scree tumbling down the mountainside. It sounded like thunder. The camp food was always plentiful and delicious. It took minutes to set up camp, build a fire (not allowed much anymore) and bed down for the night. We each had a tent and carried at least 50 lbs to start the trip. Thank goodness the backpacks became lighter as we climbed. The hiking got more complex and challenging each day. 

This is all I can write this evening. There is only a short time until our 9 P.M. online meeting. This has been a fantastic day, full of life-giving moments, fond memories, and new insights! Thank you, F.L., for thinking of me then, and Carolyn for encouraging me to go. It is a trip I will never forget. I know that my son Chad and his wife Wendfal love to hike. They take on far more challenging treks than I ever have. Their son, my grandson, loves to hike with them. You can check out some of their adventures on YouTube. They've gone to places where Carolyn and I took the kids when they were young. They are even trying to do all the Colorado 14 teeners. Talk about a challenge. Love to all. Be adventurous. It is never too late! All the best to all.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

A Lullaby to My Babies by My Mom

Prologue: This poem could have been about my brother Michael or me.  I don't know because it was unclear exactly when she wrote it. I was born in 1945 before my mom and dad were married. Brother Mike was born in 1948. I do know that I was born a "blue baby".  That has something to do with the lack of oxygen in the blood.  I know I was given a transfusion or another treatment at birth. So maybe she felt she would not have me for long. Who knows, this is obviously just a guess. Whether it was written about myself or my brother, I know mom loved all of us kids! All I do know for sure is that Mom could write!

A Lullaby to My Babies by Lela Yvonee Fahlenkamp, somewhere between 1945 and 1950

Two eyes that shine
Tow lips that smile
A baby mine
For all the while

Ten tiny fingers
Also toes
A dearer love
Nobody knows

He is my hope
My Joy, my love
To me he came
From up above

And in my care
He will remain
Someday to go
I'll not complain

For he has been
A joy to me
A dearer love
I shall not see

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Lanny, the Short Order Cook and an Answer to a Question from One of the Kids

Part 1: The Short Order Cook

I do like to cook. I've had a couple of experiences cooking for the public. While at the University of Iowa, I worked in the serving line at the Quadrangle Cafeteria (1964). I was the Short Order Cook for the breakfast meal.

I also cooked at the Playboy Club in Denver (Early 1968). Carolyn worked there as a receptionist. One night the Short Order Cook didn't show up for work. I only know part of the story, but Carolyn remembers someone asking her if she knew someone who could cook. She told them I had experience! So, they called me, and I went in. They put Chef's jacket on me, explained the job, and took me out on the floor. There was a counter area with a small grill behind a couple of billiards tables. And bunnies! This was just before I had to leave for my Easter Island assignment. I worked at the club for two or three nights - friendly atmosphere! I would share a picture here, but I don't want to embarrass anyone.  

Part 2: The Home Cook 

Carolyn and I both like to cook. Carolyn loves to bake and makes some excellent specialty loaves. We often trade off cooking dinner for each other. One of the things I enjoy about cooking at home s making sure all the dishes are ready to serve at the same time as a complete meal—nothing like cold potatoes or vegetables when it is time to eat. Carolyn and I took an online course, we both ended up doing the course, and we both got our certificates. We learned knife skills, all about cooking without oil, blanching vegetables, steaming vegetables, and many other basic cooking skills. For several years we took turns cooking dinners for each other. These days, we seem to have different food likes and dislikes and often prepare our own meals! But we still do a lot of cooking together. Carolyn, however, does all the baking. I am not a good baker. Mom taught me how to follow recipes and bake. I don't remember her teaching me how to cook. She may have taught my sisters how to cook. There was once a thing that in a marriage, it was the woman's job to do the baking and cooking! All I can say to that is "balderdash."

 Part 3: What is my favorite recipe? 

My favorite thing to bake was Snickerdoodle cookies. I have not been able to get it right since, well, since I was a kid! I only make cookies if it is the kind where you scoop or cut the premade dough!

I'll think of something I'd like to eat, then look up a recipe online. I will share one that I recently garnered at a Weight Watchers meeting. I changed the recipe to suit us, e.g., Fire Roasted instead of plain tomatoes, plant-based meat instead of hamburger (also good with no meat at all), Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasoning (oh so good)

Plant-Based Cajun Beef Chili: (based on a WW recipe Modified to Plant-based) Prep:0:15 minutes Preparation Time
60 to 90 Minutes Cook Time (For this chili, low and slow adds to the flavor. The heat is never above medium.

Serves 6 Serving Size 1 cup (But who can eat just 1 cup?)
Ingredients:1 tsp Olive oil
1 cup chopped uncooked onions
2 tsp Garlic powder
4 ½ oz cans Diced Green Chile Peppers
2 tbsp Slap Ya Mama Cajun Seasoning (or other Cajun Seasoning)
1 lb Plant-based Meat (we like a spicey sausage for this)
28 oz can Fire Roasted Crushed Tomatoes.
1 Cup Salsa of your choice
¼ Cup Chili Powder
2 15 oz Cans of Drained Kidney Beans


1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil on MEDIUM. Add onion and cook, occasionally stirring, until translucent. (About 6-8 Minutes) Add garlic, chilis, and Cajun seasoning and constantly stir for about 1 minute (Until Fragrant. Add the Beyond beef and break it up using a wooden spoon; cook until browned, about 8 minutes.
2. Add tomatoes, salsa, water, and chili powder. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and simmer until the flavors blend (about 40 to 60 minutes).
3. Stir in the beans until heated - it takes a little time.
4. Serve it up. Garnish with cheese or scallions or whatever! Notes: Great with Tortilla Chips or Tortilla Leftovers? Use for Nachos, Huevos Rancheros, and smothered baked potato, ….

We've served this to family and friends, and they almost always ask for seconds. Spice it up as you like it!

I'll go make myself an omelet! Live your moments, love your moments, and share your moments with someone you love! 


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Mom's Poetry "Where does Milk Come From"


Our 4 Year Old Was Curious Where Milk Came From (1950’s)

Written by Lela Yvonne Collins-Fahlenkamp

The milk we drink
Comes from a cow
Now this the way
I’ll tell you how.

In from the field
With grass so green
Comes my cow
A Jersey Queen.

In the barn
Where the milking is done
I better hurry
But this chore is fun

Into a shiny pail
The milk does flow
From cow to cow 
Right down the row

The milking is finished
And here comes the truck
It will go the market
If I have any luck

The truck arrived safely
Right up to the door
It’s not the only truck
There are several more.

The milk is pasteurized
And ready to go
It’s all in waxed cartons
And now to the store

This milk in the carton
It’s all grade A
It came from my cows
Just today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Photo Project

 So, I started this photo project. I aim to make my online photos more shareable and meaningful to the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids (should any ever come along). I committed to doing 10 images a day every day of the year. That means I can complete my project in one year. I had at most 3000 photographs. Today, I figured out how to find out how many photos I have online. I have over 30,000 images. That is a lot of photos. As I go through them, I discover the difficulties in getting them dated correctly. I like the dates on the pictures, the ages of the individuals in the photos, and other information. Dates on images can be misleading, especially the older ones. The dates were when the pictures were developed, not when the pictures were taken. It is like being a detective. 

I'm learning daily and having much fun doing it, but 30,000 pictures. Admittedly there are many duplicates and ridiculously useless and bad photos. But you have to go through them individually because the program cannot check for duplicates. I may not have discovered the way to do it. There are many benefits to doing this. I've learned a lot about my family! I was the second oldest of seven children. My mother, bless her, assembled a photo album for each of us and for her and dad. I was able to copy all of those albums. I am now getting a complete picture of how much we were loved and the opportunities we were given.  There are many very old pictures. Mom took great care to provide as much information as she could. She gave me a lot to work with. I have old pictures giving me new and precious moments.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Some Reflections on the Day and Self-Knowledge

 I'm tired. This has been a long but fruitful day! Carolyn and I have accomplished so much. We've got all the Christmas stuff taken down and put away until the 2023 Christmas Season. It is time to get things on the 2023 schedule, and I still need a calendar - except for the digital one. 

Today I researched fireplace gas regulators. I ordered one that was supposed to work correctly but didn't. I had to return it - it was one of the most effortless returns. Today I found an excellent cross-reference list for White Rodgers gas valves. I found the proper replacement for the one that is in our fireplace. 

Today I received our new under-sink drinking water filtration system. It was less expensive to be a whole new system rather than replace the three filters in the old system. Those Reverse Osmosis Membrane filters are downright costly. I'm now waiting for the permeate pump I ordered to go with the system.

Today I started reflecting on the subject of arrogance and humility. About 45 years ago, I was called into my supervisor's office. The issue of arrogance came up. Something I heard during a presentation yesterday caused me to give that conversation some thought. I need to work on the humility part. When I reflect on the issue, I see how I may come across as arrogant!

Well, enough on that subject. We need to love ourselves before we can love others. I don't like coming across as arrogant. I pray that I do better!

Happy New Year - All the good and all the best. May your heart's wishes be fulfilled in 2023!

No pictures; what is happening!

Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve

 First things First: I do not make New Year's resolutions! I do my best to improve myself in some way every day! I will write three gratitudes daily and at least one thing I'm personally proud of for that day. It isn't a resolution because I've already been doing it for the past couple of weeks. It helps me reflect on the day, what went well and what I could have done better. 

Last year I made ToDo lists.  I rarely did this in the past.  I've found it a beneficial process.  A few things have been on that list for at least four months.  One of those tasks is to repair the fireplace.  I ordered a new gas regulator, received it, and when I went to install it, the fittings were all wrong.  The part number was almost identical.  I've tried eBay, Craigs List, and Amazon - all to no avail.  I will now contact a fireplace repair shop and see if they may have the correct part. The main gas solenoid is not working.  The pilot light works fine.  So, I have some next steps for that item.

Another item on the ToDo list was on it for a year! Repair the bedroom corner drywall.  I finally got to that a week ago.  It took one year to get to it and five minutes to fix it! 

Overall, reflecting on the past year, things have gone wonderfully well.  We have been able to help children and grandchildren when help was needed. I really enjoy our new car, a Toyota Avalon Hybrid! We named it Sparkie - we named every vehicle we've owned. It helps personalize them and helps me remember they need maintenance! Rosie, our Hyundai Elantra, now has about 198,000 miles on her.

Carolyn and I are doing more volunteering.  We volunteer for Pawsitivity, An organization that finds foster parents for parents whose owners are in recovery. We see this activity very rewarding, we are helping someone in need, and their pets have been good for us! For example, I've started walking from one to three miles a day because the dogs need exercise and a place to poop! We always have extra poop bags with us. Most trails in our area have locations for dispensing these bags and a bin for placing the filled bags.  There are also laws concerning this matter.

Our other volunteer activities revolve around the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. These volunteer tasks keep us very busy in a very positive way.

I've learned several new software applications, a new treasury system, SnagIt, and Camtasia.  I've made my first couple of YouTube videos.

I've become a better cook. I'm willing to try new recipes and make mistakes while doing them. About mid-year, I made a goal to get myself healthier.  I weighed in at 196 lb. I now weigh 159lb. That is one thing I'm very proud of.  I feel a lot better. My bowling average increased from 150 to 170 (nothing to do with weight loss). I only made a little improvement at golf. 

Most importantly, our family relationships have become much stronger. We started doing family nights again, and those have been great!

I wish you the very best in the New Year!  Live now, the past is gone, and the future is not yet here.  Someone once said, "One needs to live like always is now!"

Friday, December 30, 2022

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!

 Carolyn and I took down most of the Christmas decorations today. The tree is still standing!  The wreath is between the garage doors.  We turned the decorative light off but have yet to bring it into the house.  We decorate less and less every year.  We had a fantastic family night the Friday before Christmas eve. 

I just received a lovely letter from Uwe.  I have not shared it with the family yet, but will.  This has been a year of learning and personal growth.  I've increased my volunteer efforts. It is definitely time to give back.

I'm working on several personal projects; cleaning up my photos, making videos for YouTube and the kids, improving our home, journaling, writing, blogging again, exercising more, considering taking in foster cats as well as dogs, and considering some travel. This is an exciting time. I am never bored!

My relationship with God has been healed. I have found my Spiritual path again! This has opened my heart to more of what we have been given, so much more to be grateful for, and so much more to learn.  Today I heard something that is so very meaningful. "Each time you look into another person's eyes, you meet God!" That is such a powerful observation - I believe I have experienced this but never realized the truth of it. 

I find myself experiencing more moments of joy, moments like this. Carolyn, Jeremiah, and Bishop - of course, there is also Bella, our current foster dog.  We don't see a lot of Jeremiah and Bishop.  Jeremiah has faced a lot of challenges over the past three years. He has preserved, and now we see more of him because he is open to it! I know our prayers are being answered in the way that is right now.  Sometimes we fall into the trap of expecting our prayers to be answered immediately! Bruno and God know when the time is right.  We pray for the best possible outcome for all situations and at the right time, not our time!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I've got this thing about Squirrels!

Squirrels, they fascinate me.  I have over 100 photos of these critters, from Iowa to Colorado and probably a few other places.  I also have oodles (that's lots) of video clips!  I'll have to make a few YouTube videos.  

My mom and dad told me a true story about a squirrel family that was being evicted from their home.  They lived in Montezuma, Iowa.  They built a home on a corner lot in the North corner of town, a cattycorner from the Dairy King.  There was a huge tree on the South side of the house.  (trying to find a picture of it; when I do, I'll pop it in here)

Anyway, the story goes the tree had to be taken down.  Somehow the squirrels knew, or tree destruction had begun, and the momma squirrel moved her kits (if that is what they are called - I'll have to look that up as well) to a safe place.  She grabbed them by the nape of their neck and, one by one, moved them to a safe location!  That's what moms do!  They try and make you safe - especially in the animal kingdom.  I was in disbelief when she told the story, but know it was absolutely true. 

This blog still needs to be finished, but I'm posting it anyway.  Enjoy your moments and Mother Nature!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Remembering my first watercolor!

A Christmas scene from the past.  Dec. 1963.  Yup, I graduated in May and started college at the University of Iowa in June.  So, this was really my first holiday season away from home.  In my spare time, I played Bridge, read books by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Especially the John Carter of Mars series), and did some simple watercolor paintings.  Of course, I also studied, delivered papers in the Quadrangle, and worked in the Quadrangle Cafeteria. I gave this to mom and dad as a Christmas Card.

She still had it hanging on the wall in the basement for many years.  Maybe it still exists somewhere; I don't know. I'm sure I didn't imagine this Santa and this Reindeer scene.  I probably copied it from something. Fifty-two years later, thanks to my wife Carolyn and Sister-in-Law Susan, I took up water-coloring again.  Only to set it aside while dealing with the pandemic.

There are times I think about taking it up again!  Carolyn I both enjoyed it and we have plenty of time!

Live your moments with gusto! "Live, Laugh, Love"  Volunteer for something - Smile at a stranger!
All the best!, Lanny


Monday, December 26, 2022

Sunsets, Moonrises, and A few other things!


December 23rd, 2022... what an incredible sunset. Carolyn called me into the Sun Room to see this colorful Colorado sky. I grabbed my iPhone and walked out onto the front yard sidewalk - I didn't even put slippers on. The concrete was ice cold - but I didn't notice~!

We definitely get some incredible sunsets and sunrises. I'm not usually up to catch those, but every once in a while, I do!

We also get some very neat Moon Lit evenings and nights. I took this one in late or early spring 2021. Had to go out in the street to get it. Looking into the sky over the front of our neighbor's home. Sometimes one is lucky just to be in the right place at the right time! Nature is such a beautiful thing - but it can also be, well, without me saying it. 

Other times it is just a well-framed landscape (personal opinion). The photo below was taken at Cherry Creek State Park at Cherry Creek Reservoir. January 2022. Just something that catches the eye and makes you think about lots or nothing at all, Just being in and enjoying the moment of the experience. You can see Pikes Peak in the background. That is what caught my eye. Carolyn and I were in the car looking almost straight South. A lonely bench, a beautiful leafless tree, a frozen lake, a distant shore, and the Rocky Mountains all in one. The phrase "stop and smell the roses" comes to mind.  I'm finally learning to do that, and it is a joy!

Enjoy all your moments, no matter where you are or what you are doing.  You only get them once - well, unless you can take a picture of "that moment." and enjoy it again later.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bella and Other Christmas Day Thoughts

Bella is our third foster pet. Bella came to us about a month ago.  She is a Chiweenie, a Dachsund Chiwauwau mix.  She is a cuddler.  She doesn't like being alone.  We are taking care of her while her "parent" is in recovery.  Bella will be with us for another two to four months.  That is the longest period of time that we have had a foster animal.  Our first two were very large dogs; Tonks - a German Shepherd, and Sam, a Golden Retriever.  They've all had such different personalities. We do foster animals through an organization called Pawsitive Recovery It is a volunteer non-profit organization.

These animals have been very good for Carolyn and I.  I've actually started getting some decent exercise.  One must take their dogs for walks - for me, it is really the dog taking me for a walk.  Since starting this fostering, I've walked between one and three miles daily.  

We hadn't had animals in our home for almost 12 years.  We didn't even allow our kids or grandkids to bring their pets to our home.  Now pets are allowed.  Well, I do have a KOI pond - but not really the same as having animals in the house.  Speaking of KOI pond, aren't they beautiful.  I got a new pond heater this year because the old one shorted out.  This one is keeping the pond cleared of ice.  I digress!

We've had an absolutely joyous Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We got up early and opened gifts.   We were both very surprised that we actually had gifts under the tree!  We make the typical promise to not get each other anything - we never keep that promise.

This has been a time for celebrating healed family relationships. What a blessing and a gift this is.💡 put together some video clips of past Christmases... that should be fun! I'm starting to have a lot of fun doing these blogs and YouTubes, and Storytelling!  Live your moments with joy!  All the best to you and yours.


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

 Well, I know it has been a while.  My daughter, Kindle, gave me this wonderful gift that is really encouraging me to write.  Storyworth! Storyworth for telling your story! I write a weekly story based on questions that Kindle and the other kids have chosen.  This experience really impacted me in a very positive way.  It has also led me to work with my photo albums again.  I've even started to do YouTube videos!  "Oh what fun it is!" to do these things again. There is a lot I want to share, and it is in my heart to do so.  

My life changed in a very positive, significant way in June of 2021, a little over a year ago - well, a half year over a year ago.  I've literally been gifted with "A path to a healthy body and soul" !  Carolyn had found this path over ten years ago.  I was slow getting on board.  There were many "excuses" , that I allowed that prevented me from accepting this gift. I will unabashedly speak about this subject, The Bruno Croening Circle of Friends. The path is a "natural connection with the life force"! We have always had this "force" and connection to God.  But I lost it, for whatever reason- and now I've found it again. I've learned that nothing is incurable and that I need to "Trust and believe.  The Divine power helps and heals!"  My experiences since I joined this Circle of Friends bears this out! (let me say right here this is not a cult, there are no dues, no pressures, no dogma or doctrine, totally non-profit, and everything is accomplished by volunteers and volunteering)  I do so with joy, love, and an open heart! You can find out more at Bruno Groening Organization .

I look forward to the remaining holidays and family experiences of the year 2022, writing more stories, family visits, fostering more animals, and life!

Enjoy and live all your moments to the fullest!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Monday, March 28, 2022

I Think Spring has Arrived

 Truly along time since I have felt the need and passion for writing.  Today, I just think it- for no particular reason. It appears the COVID crisis has passed for now.  Most places are no longer requiring that face masks be worn.  I breathe much better without that thing, but the best part is seeing people's faces. Seeing people's faces is the best part  Hellos mean more; smiles mean more!  Facial expressions are an excellent form of human interaction, and those expressions and smiles mean so much.  

And oh what a blessing to have our family, all the kids, most of their spouses and grandchildren, present at Carolyn's 75th birthday party in February. Look at those smiles!

A few days ago, we enjoyed a visit from my sister Lana from Iowa.  She was here to help her daughter move back to the state that one of my granddaughters claimed was paradise!

It is great to see families out for walks, kids walking or, riding their bikes to school.  Spring is a wonderful time of year -- well, all seasons are wonderful in their way.

I put out the hummingbird feeders this morning - making ready for the early arrivals.  The finches have been going through their food so fast that I can hardly keep up with them.  A lot of 1st year Goldfinches have returned.  They are like tiny little jet planes -- so sleek and fast.

The squirrels, of course, are acting like squirrels do in the springtime.  They scramble through trees and along fence tops like a blurr!  It is fun to watch them try and figure out how to get to the birdfeeders.  Sometimes their antics are downright hilarious.

Enough for now, I have a wonderfully busy day ahead of me.  Please live and enjoy all of your moments to their absolute fullness!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

 Well.... our live in family changed again yesterday!  Grandaughter Kairi Fahlenkamp left her job with American River Cruises...So now Jeremiah, Bishop, and Kairi are with us.  She got here late last night, so we didn't have time to discuss much!  But, there will be some discussion!

So this morning was anothrr early morning!  Baked 2 batches of scones, redid the bottom three stairs of the landing (after Carolyn pointed out a valid issue!), installed a new UV light for the KOI pond.... So it is only 10AM... I think I'll kick back and relax! Oh, and I put in a new bird feeder pool and moved one of the hummingbird feeders!

We had a new visitor, well a couple of new visitors, to our bird feeders yesterday!  The bluejay in the picture and a black capped chickadee... didn't capture a picture of him... what a beautiful little bird.  Although..

I do need to work on the axel of my "electric" push golf cart (not riding).  One of the shear pins is broken and causing problems on the course and, I'm certainly looking forward to golfing this Monday.  Talk about a run on sentence.  

I know this isn't very interesting, but it kinda reinforces, for me, that I'm getting things done.  My to-do list is now down to 20 items (2 of which are over 1 year old--) someday! Live in the moment and give it all your heart! Have an awesome future!