Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Photo Project

 So, I started this photo project. I aim to make my online photos more shareable and meaningful to the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids (should any ever come along). I committed to doing 10 images a day every day of the year. That means I can complete my project in one year. I had at most 3000 photographs. Today, I figured out how to find out how many photos I have online. I have over 30,000 images. That is a lot of photos. As I go through them, I discover the difficulties in getting them dated correctly. I like the dates on the pictures, the ages of the individuals in the photos, and other information. Dates on images can be misleading, especially the older ones. The dates were when the pictures were developed, not when the pictures were taken. It is like being a detective. 

I'm learning daily and having much fun doing it, but 30,000 pictures. Admittedly there are many duplicates and ridiculously useless and bad photos. But you have to go through them individually because the program cannot check for duplicates. I may not have discovered the way to do it. There are many benefits to doing this. I've learned a lot about my family! I was the second oldest of seven children. My mother, bless her, assembled a photo album for each of us and for her and dad. I was able to copy all of those albums. I am now getting a complete picture of how much we were loved and the opportunities we were given.  There are many very old pictures. Mom took great care to provide as much information as she could. She gave me a lot to work with. I have old pictures giving me new and precious moments.

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