Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Remembering my first watercolor!

A Christmas scene from the past.  Dec. 1963.  Yup, I graduated in May and started college at the University of Iowa in June.  So, this was really my first holiday season away from home.  In my spare time, I played Bridge, read books by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Especially the John Carter of Mars series), and did some simple watercolor paintings.  Of course, I also studied, delivered papers in the Quadrangle, and worked in the Quadrangle Cafeteria. I gave this to mom and dad as a Christmas Card.

She still had it hanging on the wall in the basement for many years.  Maybe it still exists somewhere; I don't know. I'm sure I didn't imagine this Santa and this Reindeer scene.  I probably copied it from something. Fifty-two years later, thanks to my wife Carolyn and Sister-in-Law Susan, I took up water-coloring again.  Only to set it aside while dealing with the pandemic.

There are times I think about taking it up again!  Carolyn I both enjoyed it and we have plenty of time!

Live your moments with gusto! "Live, Laugh, Love"  Volunteer for something - Smile at a stranger!
All the best!, Lanny


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