Monday, March 6, 2023

Woodrow and Murphy

 Woodrow (Woody) and Murphy are our latest pet fosters. They are a couple of Beagle mixed-breed dogs. We have only had them for a few days, but what an adventure. Their noses are constantly searching for food. Woody will try and eat anything he can, get his paws on, and drag to the floor, a real counter surfer. We have to keep our eyes on him constantly. Murph, much older, is also always on the outlook for food. The good news for us is that she is not a counter surfer! 

We've had to close all the upstairs doors,and gate off the downstairs and be on the lookout for strange noises. Those noises usually mean that Woody is into something he shouldn't be. They both get tired of chewing on bones. Woody has managed to knock over my speaker system! In the process, a couple of connections broke loose, but, no serious damage. Woody also tried to eat Carolyn's multi-color ballpoint pen.

His owner said he was chewing on hammerhead one day, so there are no surprises here. Both dogs have a sense of smell that can find a stray dog food pellet anywhere in the house. They are both getting the recommended amount of dog food every day. It is a challenge to keep their water bowl full. It is a good thing this is a short-term foster! They just told me they wanted to go for a walk.  

....We are back. Woody was acting very strange, so I called Pawsitivity. I think he had a seizure, but I am not sure. SS came quickly. He's going to the Vet. Murphy will be picked up later. I don't know why I'm crying!! I just think we feel so responsible for these animals even when they are in our care for only a short period of time! All the best, and live your moments to the absolute fullest!

Just heard Woody did suffer a seizure but is doing okay! Thank you, God; thank you, Bruno!

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