Friday, December 30, 2022

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!

 Carolyn and I took down most of the Christmas decorations today. The tree is still standing!  The wreath is between the garage doors.  We turned the decorative light off but have yet to bring it into the house.  We decorate less and less every year.  We had a fantastic family night the Friday before Christmas eve. 

I just received a lovely letter from Uwe.  I have not shared it with the family yet, but will.  This has been a year of learning and personal growth.  I've increased my volunteer efforts. It is definitely time to give back.

I'm working on several personal projects; cleaning up my photos, making videos for YouTube and the kids, improving our home, journaling, writing, blogging again, exercising more, considering taking in foster cats as well as dogs, and considering some travel. This is an exciting time. I am never bored!

My relationship with God has been healed. I have found my Spiritual path again! This has opened my heart to more of what we have been given, so much more to be grateful for, and so much more to learn.  Today I heard something that is so very meaningful. "Each time you look into another person's eyes, you meet God!" That is such a powerful observation - I believe I have experienced this but never realized the truth of it. 

I find myself experiencing more moments of joy, moments like this. Carolyn, Jeremiah, and Bishop - of course, there is also Bella, our current foster dog.  We don't see a lot of Jeremiah and Bishop.  Jeremiah has faced a lot of challenges over the past three years. He has preserved, and now we see more of him because he is open to it! I know our prayers are being answered in the way that is right now.  Sometimes we fall into the trap of expecting our prayers to be answered immediately! Bruno and God know when the time is right.  We pray for the best possible outcome for all situations and at the right time, not our time!

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