Sunday, January 1, 2023

Some Reflections on the Day and Self-Knowledge

 I'm tired. This has been a long but fruitful day! Carolyn and I have accomplished so much. We've got all the Christmas stuff taken down and put away until the 2023 Christmas Season. It is time to get things on the 2023 schedule, and I still need a calendar - except for the digital one. 

Today I researched fireplace gas regulators. I ordered one that was supposed to work correctly but didn't. I had to return it - it was one of the most effortless returns. Today I found an excellent cross-reference list for White Rodgers gas valves. I found the proper replacement for the one that is in our fireplace. 

Today I received our new under-sink drinking water filtration system. It was less expensive to be a whole new system rather than replace the three filters in the old system. Those Reverse Osmosis Membrane filters are downright costly. I'm now waiting for the permeate pump I ordered to go with the system.

Today I started reflecting on the subject of arrogance and humility. About 45 years ago, I was called into my supervisor's office. The issue of arrogance came up. Something I heard during a presentation yesterday caused me to give that conversation some thought. I need to work on the humility part. When I reflect on the issue, I see how I may come across as arrogant!

Well, enough on that subject. We need to love ourselves before we can love others. I don't like coming across as arrogant. I pray that I do better!

Happy New Year - All the good and all the best. May your heart's wishes be fulfilled in 2023!

No pictures; what is happening!

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