Wednesday, February 1, 2023

One of my favorite trees! On second thought, a few of my favorite trees!


I took the picture at Table Rock Lake in Missouri. Table Rock Lake is one of my favorite fishing destinations (well, after Press Lake kn Canada)! I've only fished it a few times. My sister Lana and I have fished it a couple of times together with a local guide. I can only remember one day that we got skunked. 

What I like about this picture is the emotions and feelings that it brings up in me. Life finds a way! this may look like nothing but a rock ledge, yet this tree's roots find the way to enough moisture that it can not only thrive but every time I see it, looks even healthier. I've tried to "watercolor" the scene several times, but never quite capture it. It is like the tree is alone, but not alone! 

It is early in the morning on February 1st, 2023. I thought a lot about trees last night. One of my favorite stories is "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. Trees really do give, give, and then give some more. I think of the beautiful trees we had in our yard on Tucson St. The great Austrian Pine in the front yard and the Green Ash in the back yard. We lived in that house for over 30 years. The kids all played in that tree.We had a rope and tire swing! Hundreds, my son's dog, would actually climb the tree and stand on one of the huge lower branches. The tree provided shade and joy!

One of the reasons we fell in love with our new home was the trees. We have Emerald Ash, Green Ash, Ponderosa Pine, Birch, Aspen, Blue Spruce, Hawthorn, Viburnum, Northern White Cedar, Douglas Fir, an Indian Plum, and even an Eastern Redbud! All these, and we have such a very small yard. Trees provide a playground for people and for animals. You can see Hundreds in this photo. 

They are a playground for squirrels (another one of my favorite things in nature)! The tree in the picture below was at our home on Tucson St. It lived in our front yard. We took a lot of family pictures under this tree. We made sure when we put the driveway in, that the tree's roots would not be injured. We hugged the tree when we said goodbye to that home. We even drive by and visit the tree once in awhile. I could probably put a few hundred pictures, but maybe only one more picture that kinda says it all.

The last tree in the picture is a family quilt. The quilt was made by my sister-in-law, Quilt fan Jan! This tree represents the descendants of Carolyn's parents. Each leaf is a family member. We've added butterflies to the quilt for newborns over the past years. The tree keeps growing, as do all trees. Trees literally give us life!

So, enjoy them, plant them when you can, give thanks, hug one once in awhile. You will be glad that you did! May all the very best and all good things come to you and yours! Celebrate trees, and celebrate life!

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