Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bella and Other Christmas Day Thoughts

Bella is our third foster pet. Bella came to us about a month ago.  She is a Chiweenie, a Dachsund Chiwauwau mix.  She is a cuddler.  She doesn't like being alone.  We are taking care of her while her "parent" is in recovery.  Bella will be with us for another two to four months.  That is the longest period of time that we have had a foster animal.  Our first two were very large dogs; Tonks - a German Shepherd, and Sam, a Golden Retriever.  They've all had such different personalities. We do foster animals through an organization called Pawsitive Recovery It is a volunteer non-profit organization.

These animals have been very good for Carolyn and I.  I've actually started getting some decent exercise.  One must take their dogs for walks - for me, it is really the dog taking me for a walk.  Since starting this fostering, I've walked between one and three miles daily.  

We hadn't had animals in our home for almost 12 years.  We didn't even allow our kids or grandkids to bring their pets to our home.  Now pets are allowed.  Well, I do have a KOI pond - but not really the same as having animals in the house.  Speaking of KOI pond, aren't they beautiful.  I got a new pond heater this year because the old one shorted out.  This one is keeping the pond cleared of ice.  I digress!

We've had an absolutely joyous Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We got up early and opened gifts.   We were both very surprised that we actually had gifts under the tree!  We make the typical promise to not get each other anything - we never keep that promise.

This has been a time for celebrating healed family relationships. What a blessing and a gift this is.💡 put together some video clips of past Christmases... that should be fun! I'm starting to have a lot of fun doing these blogs and YouTubes, and Storytelling!  Live your moments with joy!  All the best to you and yours.


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