Thursday, January 5, 2023

Mom's Poetry "Where does Milk Come From"


Our 4 Year Old Was Curious Where Milk Came From (1950’s)

Written by Lela Yvonne Collins-Fahlenkamp

The milk we drink
Comes from a cow
Now this the way
I’ll tell you how.

In from the field
With grass so green
Comes my cow
A Jersey Queen.

In the barn
Where the milking is done
I better hurry
But this chore is fun

Into a shiny pail
The milk does flow
From cow to cow 
Right down the row

The milking is finished
And here comes the truck
It will go the market
If I have any luck

The truck arrived safely
Right up to the door
It’s not the only truck
There are several more.

The milk is pasteurized
And ready to go
It’s all in waxed cartons
And now to the store

This milk in the carton
It’s all grade A
It came from my cows
Just today.

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