Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I've got this thing about Squirrels!

Squirrels, they fascinate me.  I have over 100 photos of these critters, from Iowa to Colorado and probably a few other places.  I also have oodles (that's lots) of video clips!  I'll have to make a few YouTube videos.  

My mom and dad told me a true story about a squirrel family that was being evicted from their home.  They lived in Montezuma, Iowa.  They built a home on a corner lot in the North corner of town, a cattycorner from the Dairy King.  There was a huge tree on the South side of the house.  (trying to find a picture of it; when I do, I'll pop it in here)

Anyway, the story goes the tree had to be taken down.  Somehow the squirrels knew, or tree destruction had begun, and the momma squirrel moved her kits (if that is what they are called - I'll have to look that up as well) to a safe place.  She grabbed them by the nape of their neck and, one by one, moved them to a safe location!  That's what moms do!  They try and make you safe - especially in the animal kingdom.  I was in disbelief when she told the story, but know it was absolutely true. 

This blog still needs to be finished, but I'm posting it anyway.  Enjoy your moments and Mother Nature!

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