Friday, January 20, 2023

Mom's Reggedy Ann and Andy's

This is another of Mom's wonderful poems! The picture shows just a few of the hundreds she made or collected! If you look carefully, you will see our Grandson amongst them. I'm looking for a few more pictures to update this blog. Before Mom passed, she donated all her Raggedy Anne and Andys to a museum in Iowa, so they could be enjoyed by more boys and girls!

Mom’s Poem about her Raggedy Ann and Andy Collection

In Nineteen Seventy-three,

I started a new family tree

I was at a flea market,

And there I found something neat

Just lying around

I looked at the faces on the tin,

And just like that, I began to grin!

I had an idea as plain as could be

I would make these dolls just for me.

 At that point in time,

Raggedy Ann and Andy were born

And walked right into my heart and home

I’ve made their bodies and painted their faces

I’ve even made them different races

 In the end, they are all Ann and Andy’s

And all as sweet as cotton Candy

Two-hundred and fifty-three

 Take up a lot of space,

But each is in their place

They sit very quiet –

And I love them all,

The thin, the fat, and the short and tall


(Yvonne 2003)

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