Monday, February 27, 2023

How did this happen?


Yes, it is a fish on my sidewalk!!!! When most of the snow and ice on the house's Southside had melted, this rather large chunk, dirty and dark, persisted for a few days. I don't know why I didn't bother to kick it out in the straight, but I didn't. A couple of days ago, I was walking back from the mailbox and saw a shape on the sidewalk where the chunk of ice had been. 

From a distance, it looked like a curled-up leaf frozen somehow in the snow and water! As I approached the object, I saw what appeared to be a fish! Indeed it was a fish, a tiny carp? I am still trying to figure out how that fish got there, dehydrated, and caught in ice? I've heard of fish falling from the sky, but usually, after some freakish weather that somehow scooped them up off a lake, then dropped to the earth! I don't see how that could have happened. The lakes are all frozen over! Here it is, about a week later. And what looks like a water spot from melted ice is still there!

Yet another mystery.

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