Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

 Well, I know it has been a while.  My daughter, Kindle, gave me this wonderful gift that is really encouraging me to write.  Storyworth! Storyworth for telling your story! I write a weekly story based on questions that Kindle and the other kids have chosen.  This experience really impacted me in a very positive way.  It has also led me to work with my photo albums again.  I've even started to do YouTube videos!  "Oh what fun it is!" to do these things again. There is a lot I want to share, and it is in my heart to do so.  

My life changed in a very positive, significant way in June of 2021, a little over a year ago - well, a half year over a year ago.  I've literally been gifted with "A path to a healthy body and soul" !  Carolyn had found this path over ten years ago.  I was slow getting on board.  There were many "excuses" , that I allowed that prevented me from accepting this gift. I will unabashedly speak about this subject, The Bruno Croening Circle of Friends. The path is a "natural connection with the life force"! We have always had this "force" and connection to God.  But I lost it, for whatever reason- and now I've found it again. I've learned that nothing is incurable and that I need to "Trust and believe.  The Divine power helps and heals!"  My experiences since I joined this Circle of Friends bears this out! (let me say right here this is not a cult, there are no dues, no pressures, no dogma or doctrine, totally non-profit, and everything is accomplished by volunteers and volunteering)  I do so with joy, love, and an open heart! You can find out more at Bruno Groening Organization .

I look forward to the remaining holidays and family experiences of the year 2022, writing more stories, family visits, fostering more animals, and life!

Enjoy and live all your moments to the fullest!

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

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