Monday, December 26, 2022

Sunsets, Moonrises, and A few other things!


December 23rd, 2022... what an incredible sunset. Carolyn called me into the Sun Room to see this colorful Colorado sky. I grabbed my iPhone and walked out onto the front yard sidewalk - I didn't even put slippers on. The concrete was ice cold - but I didn't notice~!

We definitely get some incredible sunsets and sunrises. I'm not usually up to catch those, but every once in a while, I do!

We also get some very neat Moon Lit evenings and nights. I took this one in late or early spring 2021. Had to go out in the street to get it. Looking into the sky over the front of our neighbor's home. Sometimes one is lucky just to be in the right place at the right time! Nature is such a beautiful thing - but it can also be, well, without me saying it. 

Other times it is just a well-framed landscape (personal opinion). The photo below was taken at Cherry Creek State Park at Cherry Creek Reservoir. January 2022. Just something that catches the eye and makes you think about lots or nothing at all, Just being in and enjoying the moment of the experience. You can see Pikes Peak in the background. That is what caught my eye. Carolyn and I were in the car looking almost straight South. A lonely bench, a beautiful leafless tree, a frozen lake, a distant shore, and the Rocky Mountains all in one. The phrase "stop and smell the roses" comes to mind.  I'm finally learning to do that, and it is a joy!

Enjoy all your moments, no matter where you are or what you are doing.  You only get them once - well, unless you can take a picture of "that moment." and enjoy it again later.

Happy New Year!

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