Saturday, February 11, 2023

Talents of the Young and Young at Heart

 So, I last shared something of Chad and his family. Now, it is Heather's turn. Once again, I don't know when this was written, but probably Junior High or High School.  Her handwriting has always been very distinctive, an upright block style, almost printing! Heather has accomplished much. One of her first adventures was being selected as a Cheerleader for the University of Hawaii. That's when Carolyn and the older kids went to Hawaii to visit her.  She was a Cheering Team Leader in High School. ( I wrote an earlier blog about Heather being honored for her Volunteerism.) Heather and her husband, Eric, have raised five children. She and her mother, Carolyn, are addicted to babies!

Heather has what I call an effervescent personality. She is a joyful person and fills a room with her personality. She gives and lives from the heart! I needn't say more. Her words above say it all, really. But you know I love to do collages, so I've done one for this blog as well!

Heather and her husband Eric have always provided their children every opportunity to show and grow their many talents. Whatever the kids wanted to do, they could give it a try and their Mom and Dad support them! I could go on, but you get the drift!

We are so proud of all of them!

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