Saturday, February 18, 2023

I Owe You an Apology

 Yes you - or me, you owe me an apology - Yes, YOU! Got it? I discovered this morning, after many years of blogging, I can acknowledge and reply to comments! Go figure! So, dear friends and commenters, I scrolled through what is called "Stats" concerning this blog, and there were hundreds of comments that I have not acknowledged! Yours may have been one of those, hence the apology. I promise I will do better! If I owe you a response, let me know by commenting below!

Wishing you all the best! Remember, live your moments to the fullest. Acknowledge your self-worth, love yourself, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, and of course, to others!

Oh, by the way, we had a family night last night - those are always special! This week we also had a brief visit form grandaughter Kairi. She just moved from Helena, Montana, to Laramie, Wyoming! Much closer! It was a gift to see her and how happy she is!

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