Sunday, January 8, 2023

A Lullaby to My Babies by My Mom

Prologue: This poem could have been about my brother Michael or me.  I don't know because it was unclear exactly when she wrote it. I was born in 1945 before my mom and dad were married. Brother Mike was born in 1948. I do know that I was born a "blue baby".  That has something to do with the lack of oxygen in the blood.  I know I was given a transfusion or another treatment at birth. So maybe she felt she would not have me for long. Who knows, this is obviously just a guess. Whether it was written about myself or my brother, I know mom loved all of us kids! All I do know for sure is that Mom could write!

A Lullaby to My Babies by Lela Yvonee Fahlenkamp, somewhere between 1945 and 1950

Two eyes that shine
Tow lips that smile
A baby mine
For all the while

Ten tiny fingers
Also toes
A dearer love
Nobody knows

He is my hope
My Joy, my love
To me he came
From up above

And in my care
He will remain
Someday to go
I'll not complain

For he has been
A joy to me
A dearer love
I shall not see

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