Friday, January 13, 2023

Wind River Range Part II

 So, I decided to wrap this up with a collage. I'm the guy in the red shirt with the green backpack. You can easily see the size of the boulders we had to traverse.  It was all worth the effort. The country and the views were incredible.

The dog with us struggled mightily, especially at the upper altitudes and the ruggedness of the terrain. It was probably not the best decision to bring him.

It took longer to get to the summit than we expected, almost four full days. We were going to make a loop but ended up thinking better of it. After spending a night sleeping on the large rocks near the peak, we added back to the base. The canoeing and steepness of the climb took were both challenges. We fished some of the little pools in the stream as we descended. I caught one of the nicest trout in a pool that wasn't much more than four feet in diameter. We ended up canoeing the final three lakes on the last day of the trip. We celebrated our adventure around a campfire on the last night of our trip. It is a trip I will always look back on with great joy. 

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