Tuesday, January 17, 2023

I Wasn't Going to Write Today, But

For some reason, I had to! I stayed up late because this computer was behaving really slowly. I've uninstalled some software to see if there are any improvements. There are, the computer restarts more quickly, processes photos, and launches Google Chrome more quickly! Let's see if it stays that way. This has been a perfect day!

I am adding another picture of my Dad! I knew that he was once the Grand Marshal of one of the parades in Montezuma, Iowa. Our family has always lived in small towns. Hartley, Kimbolton, Montezuma, Iowa to name them. Dad started at a municipal power plant in Harley, Iowa. We moved to Kimbolton, where he became the plant superintendent, and then to Montezuma, where he served as the superintendent until the day he passed! He signed a document approving a Wind Generator while on his deathbed! There is really no way to pick just 9 photos for a collage, but I did. I'll probably write more about my whole family again. I have thousands of photos, literally. 

I am in the process of culling them! The process is literally life-giving. Live your moments, each and every one of them.

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