Monday, March 20, 2023

Another Early Morning

 It is just one of those days when I wake up and feel organized and ready for a very busy day. Starting off by changing ink cartridges on one of our printers. This day has a lot of volunteer tasks to do. We are preparing for a conference for the North American Region of the Circle of Friends. The conference will be at the Embassy Suites off of I70. Now I know what Mickey was going through when she so capably prepared for our Training Conferences back in the day. But, the tasks are rewarding and so enjoyable. 

I started the year off with a real bang of activity. As the days pass, I'm discovering those things that I enjoy and find rewarding, and I am letting go of those things that I find less satisfying. Focusing on that which gives me joy and happiness is essential. It keeps me more in the moment. 

We will continue to get snow until mid to late April, but it melts faster and helps the grass grow greener. The smaller birds are enjoying the suet. We frequently see robins and chickadees. The squirrels are in season! Folks and their dogs take longer and more frequent walks as the weather warms up! The thunder of motorcycles in the neighborhood has come back. The kids are riding their bikes and scooters to school. We are seeing more of the single-wheel electric uniboards whizzing by the house. Hopefully, these kids don't forget how to walk! At least when they ride a bicycle, they have to peddle from time to time.

We have started the second week with our new foster dog, Tank. Tank has some bad habits, some fun habits, and some questionable habits. I don't think tanks "parent" much cared where Tank did his business. This has been a challenge. Perhaps we just don't quite understand his "signals." This guy is four years old; he should know where to go. It may be just the new surroundings. But this is the first foster pet where we have had an issue. The rest of them knew that walks were for more than exercise! I've noticed, the last two days, that he starts to whine a bit, then spin like a whirling dervish! That's his particular signal that he has to pee!!!

That's Tank and Carolyn! One of Tanks' more peaceful moments. 
Tank also loves to play with his food! The pullets are a bit bigger than a pea. He likes to put one in his mouth, then throw it. He can toss it a good ten feet. He then proceeds to challenge us to a game of keep-away. He also plays catch me if you can! The Tank can be a lot of fun. He can also be a pain in the butt! He is such a pleasure to foster after a not-so-good experience with Woodrow!

So, on with my day! Lots to do! I will enjoy each and every moment of this day! Enjoy your moments too! Each moment is a precious gift! Wishing you and yours all the best, and may your heart's wishes be fulfilled! Trust and Believe, and they already are! 

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