Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Well over a year since I've written anything.  C19 affected us all in many different ways.  I've been finishing up a darned great week.  and thought it might be good just to write a few things down.

In the past 2 weeks:

  • replaced the landing stairs with new ones.  I added 2 additional steps so there is less of a slope and easier up and downs!  Never built stairs before.  I must admit, I did purchase the stringers pre-cut.  My son, Chad, suggested a 3rd stringer for safety... I did that.  Thank you son!
  • I replace most of my sprinkler heads with high efficiency Hunter rotaries and blocked off 13 of the old heads completely!  These heads will reduce a lot of the run-off I head in the front yard - runoff caused by the slope and what appeared to others as gross over-watering.  With the change I notice there is hardly any runoff!  Awesome!
  • I added a shut off valve to my raised garden watering.  Don't need it for some parts of the year... I tied the gardens in to the main irrigation system, thereby getting rid of the battery operated hose system.
  • I replaced an outdoor faucet that had a burst pipe due to freezing.  That turned out to be one tough project.  I installed a shutoff valve in the house so I could actually turn off the flow to the outside faucet without turning off the main water supply.  I don't know why that isn't part of house design - especially when the basement is finished and there is no access to the indoor part of the plumbing.  I also installed a ceiling access panel!
  • I cleaned the garage
  • With Carolyn's help I installed a washer and dryer that I purchased from my son, Jeremiah, he's moving in September to his new home!!!!!!!!!  Unfortunately the place for his washer and dryer will require a stacked W/D unit!
  • We celebrated my 76th birthday with pies... "pie makes everything better" so my brother-in-law Howard says  I think he is right.
  • I weeded and maintained the bird feeders. Love to watch them.. We serve American Goldfinches, House Finches, Robins, Doves, and an occasional Stellar Jay.  Today I spotted the first Hummingbird of the year.  I've had the feeders out for over a month.  I think seeing the hummingbird inspired my to write a bit. The picture was taken through a screen - so, not so great!  Now there is a pair of ravens at my bird bath.  That's a first.  Where's my Camera.... ??????
  • I finally played a few rounds of golf! Some would say I was just out for a walk on a golf course... but, boy was I putting well!
  • I didn't do any baking the past few weeks - I usually make a batch of scones every week
  • I did cook several dinners!
  • My brother and sisters called to wish me a Happy Birthday... that was very wonderful.  The kids all called .. all in all, a great couple of weeks.
Please live your moments in the moment.  The past is the past, and the future will take care of itself... with a little planning!  Open your hearts and your minds to the adventure of life~!

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