Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dinning Out

What is today all about - I don't ever seem to be bored and I certainly don't need to be occupied.  I can sit in a nice comfortable chair and be zonked out in less than 10 minutes.  Or, I can go outside and shovel snow for an hour and have just as much fun.  Well, I know this is not very substantive - I've been playing Mafia Wars -- It does get a bit addicting, but I think I've learned how to limit the time I spend doing that.

I also downloaded something Vicki plays and finally got it to work.  It is a whole lot of fun and yet gets boring at times -- I think she said it does.  The key though, for me, is that I got the game working.  If you like slots you would like the game and the best part is you get  just about the same kick without spending any actual money -- some wouldn't.

I'm headed to Lana's place to enjoy some squirrel - not watching, eating.  Hmmm - I don't suppose the animal rights folks would appreciate a picture of one of those cute buggers in this blog and then me saying I ate one or two of 'em. Might just do it though - would that be considered sarcasm or irony - irony I think.  

Well I'm going to go enjoy some more of my precious moments -- and I don't mean those dolls.

Post Script:

The squirrel and noodle casserole was excellent.  My sister assured me these were not those domesticated town squirrels, but the wild vicious squirrels that hang out in the deep dark forest. And no, they do not taste like chicken and their bones are a whole lot smaller.  I even got to bring some leftovers back to HoJac Acres.  Yum.  Oh, and the Northern Pink fried strips were outstanding.

This is a picture of a fairly domesticated squirrel - we don't eat these guys = we are entertained by their antics.

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