Monday, February 22, 2010

So I was late, it wouldn't be the first time!

7:07 AM - We did not get the snow - only about 2".  The hot tub was nice and hot last night.  I did good in the NASCAR fantasy standings... dropped from first to 3rd in our group - but that isn't bad for a novice - and two of my choices didn't make the race.  I was too late to do anything about it.  I don't get to shovel this morning, we didn't get enough snow.  I have a fairly busy social schedule - I want to go see Mum and Lewis -- the brother Mike, then sister Lana. I did some of my breathing exercises this morning - they are very invigorating - providing a nice kick off to living in the moment.  Later.
9:45PM -- this is a photo of one of the houses we lived in when I was still a Montezuman.  Its a corner lot.  I loved the trees.  I have another picture from the front - that tree is really tall.  I wasn't in this house to many years, but it is where I graduated from high school - left for college, came back home for awhile, and then left for the Air Force.  My family sold this house later and built a brand new one.

I had supper with my sister and her significant other this evening.  Corned beef and cabbage.  It was very good - I told Carolyn later that I thought I didn't like CBC - but this stuff was really, really good - maybe it was because the cabbage wasn't overcooked, canned, or otherwise stinky. Yum, I can't wait for St. Patrick's day now.

I think the snow in the picture is so beautiful, I'm going to tray and get some pictures of some spectacular drifts tomorrow.  What a great day -- time with mum Lewis, Mike, Vicki, Patti, Margi and myself - it doesn't get much better - Oh, but it did --- I also got to video conference with Carolyn -- Ain't it great!

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