Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Day is It

I'm not sure I ever know anymore - I know it is 84 or 85 days before we head North to Canada again...  it's about 9 days before I head back to Colorado...  that's my grandson Wolfgang with his big fish of our 2008 trip.  I'm hoping brother Mike and his wife Vicki go with us this year.

I'm pretty sure we (Carolyn and I) will be taking Buddha and Katie. It would be a grand time if they came.

I'm tired.  I've been watching some of the Olympics.  I didn't sleep too long last night - checked up on Chuck and the rest of the ducks this morning.  They are fine.

I actually ate Cheerios for Supper tonight - 3 bowls.  My blood sugar is high.. I think I need to watch what I eat better than I'm doing right now.
Tomorrow, the 26th is the anniversary of dad's passing.  I think of him often - mom mentioned the other day that as this time gets closer, it is harder for her.  I'll be having lunch with her and Lewis tomorrow.  So it is also the day before that anniversary, a day for reflection - a day when past moments may have more meaning than the present moment -- a tougher time to be in this moment - but to reflect on many of the beautiful moments we had with dad -- and fishing was one of his favorite ways of spending his time.  He took us all fishing at one time or another - and instilled in us a love for the outdoors and the gifts it has to offer.  Thanks Dad.

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