Friday, February 5, 2010

When we Were Younger

Me and my bride. She turned 63 today - she seems far less and still enchants me each and every day. Love does that - keeps young, keeps us alive, keeps us engaged. We celebrated by going to one of our favorite restaurants and had a few glasses of wine and some good Italian food.

We are spending a wonderfully relaxing evening at home. The dogs are even giving us a break - somehow they sense we need this time for each other.

I've got no flashes of brilliance this evening - well I rarely have flashes of brilliance - if ever. I'm a plain ordinary being with plain ordinary needs. I think, except to keep occupied during my waking hours. I've become a bit addicted to the computer - even this is evidence of that. It would be an interesting experiment to go cold turkey. But then I couldn't keep some of my on-line commitments - or, maybe I could stop using it except for the "necessary" things that need to be done.

Man have I drifted off subject. Ah well, proves things are normal. But aren't we a great looking couple! Have an excellent tomorrow, but make sure you enjoy the moments that come before then -- try and wrap your brain around that concept for awhile!

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