Thursday, February 4, 2010


There is a worth to each moment and each and every life - whether it be a blade of grass, a small child, a person of much talent or a person of very little talent. We must respect that and recognize the gifts of everyone and everything. Those gifts sometimes require sacrifice - sacrifice of self or belongings or time - so that others can be served. I have no idea what this all means for me, but it does mean that as I become aware on a deeper level, I become more me.

On a lighter thought - my eggs were a disaster this morning. Often it is not so much the equipment as the user of the equipment - but in this case, I think I do need a little better equipment - say a 10" sauce pan instead of an 8" saucepan - one that has a lid (that fits). So, I'll be getting one of those and practicing eggs again in the next couple of days -- so I can be prepared to cook up some good eggs in Canada this year.

The dogs have been great. Buddha loves playing with a ball and loves his new bed. Katie was jealous, but got over it quickly. It is funny about the dogs and squeaky toys - it doesn't take them long to find and dispose of the squeaker - especially ion tennis balls. But Buddha keeps mouthing his anyway - and then comes and begs to play - which I usually do - but not always.

Tomorrow is NSA day - I look forward to it. Carolyn has had an extremely busy day. She is such a trouper - and more, she is an explorer - a willingness to discover - even in the realm of the extraordinary!

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