Monday, February 1, 2010

On to February 2010

So - I tried a photo a day and a Haiku a day. Not the easiest thing to do. I think it is tough just to remember to journal every day -- in my case blog every day! Who knows, the kids may find this interesting some day. Well, every day isn't interesting, but every day is new - just as every moment of each day is new. It is a bit overwhelming, unless one just learns to relax and to be - so be and its very easy.

We did get to play golf today. The geese are redecorating golf courses - its like a goose poop sewer. We played Raccoon Creek, but I'm sure most of the golf courses that don't have a strategy to keep these flocks away are in the same situation. These geese can't possibly be endangered. I gotta tell you this can't be a sanitary situation. I do not over exaggerate when I say it was like walking on a carpet of the stuff. I've seen school play grounds the same way - so bad that the teachers can't let the kids play there during recess. It is atrocious.

Anyway, I played pretty well 41/49 - I even beat Mil. For me, that is an achievement - I hope to make that happen more often this year. And this was with frozen greens and poop covered fairways. (I guess it does make you more aware of hitting the golf ball first and not the ground.)

Our men's golf league at Fitz will be starting again - March something I think. We are having our first board meeting next Wednesday. Looking forward to a new year of fishing and golf - and finishing the xeriscape project in the backyard. Enjoy your moments!

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