Friday, February 12, 2010


Bitter -- the Iowa cold in the early morning
Sweet -- Getting to use a front end loader to clear the drive so I could get out -- I'm taking pictures tomorrow

Bitter -- Driving to town (from Jacque's to Montezuma) I noted than Sandie's Soda shop is closed! No more original fountain drinks -- they are redoing the interior and putting in a Mexican restaurant???? In Montezuma??? Hmmmm
Sweet -- got to see the brand spanking new County Safety Center -- replacing the current retention facility that opened in 1913. got the grand tour from Sheriff Tom and sister Lana. Deputy Sheriff Laurence was there too. Awesome - place complete with geothermal heating - wow. They are in the process of moving in. this place is an ultra-modern facility with all the gizmos and gadgets that you can imagine.

Bitter -- forgetting my daughter's birthday yesterday (I have an excuse, but it ain't a good one)
Sweet -- she is, without a doubt, one of the happiest people in the whole wide world and I will be forgiven! I just sent her an eCard.

Bitter -- Almost couldn't get out of the garage this morning. Jacque warned me the opener got stuck from time to time -- I did make it though.
Sweet -- I found the problem and fixed it!!!!! I just hope it stays fixed.

Bitter -- It makes a mess when you overfill the humidifier.
Sweet -- Its water - and it cleans up easily -- plus you've learned a valuable lesson.

Bitter -- Iowa is a Pepsi state!!!!!
Sweet -- You get to see more stores and have an adventure looking for your Cherry Zero Coke!

Bitter -- Beef Rites can't replace Maid Rites
Sweet -- They have a Maid Rite in Oskaloosa - guess where I'll be going! and, I can visit Sharon and Danny too!

Very Sweet ! Oh my gosh, I have an official follower! (As I say, happily chuckling to myself!)

Life is sooooooo good. Enjoy each and every moment you have!

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