Thursday, February 11, 2010

Way Before Sunrise

5:19 AM - Up and at'em. I've got 5 plus hours before I get to my final destination. I dreamed in mini vignettes last night. Weird top secret stuff - boy those days were long, long ago. I love the internet. I was able to talk to and see last night via internet video conference with "Messenger". That is so cool - I also got to see a confused Katie (one of our Westies). Well -- I'm outa here and on the way! Later - by the way, be kind to yourself -- life's too short to be anything else!

1:58 PM - I've arrived at my destination - Montezuma, Iowa. It was a nice drive, no snowing, but lots of snow in Eastern Nebraska and most of Iowa. I'm, at the moment, enjoying the solid and the scenery.

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