Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things to Do

7:27 AM - I slept in this morning.  It was great.  Looks like another crisp, cold, but bright day.  I gotta find those trash bags, feed the ducks, clear the snow drifts (the wind blows here constantly -- it would be a good place for one of those wind turbines) and take a closer look at the garage door opener.  So, planning complete I'm off to an interesting day.

8:50 AM - I got a note from Jacque and found out where the trash bags were hiding.  I'd never have thought to look in a drawer for trash bags - go figure!  sure keeps em neat and organized though.  got instructions on trash day.  That's a good thing.  Sun is bright this morning ( I just noticed i don't use articles a lot - a, an, and the -- waste of keystrokes).  Dinner with Mikee tonight, I'm looking forward to that.  Hope to get a picture of the day but we still can't find the digital camera at mom's house and I didn't bring mine.  Glitches make life interesting.

10:10 AM - Just finished feeding the ducks, clearing the snow drifts and freezing my tail off - I looked there ain't no tail.  Funny I thought I dressed plenty warm this morning.  The duck hut was full of snow - so had to get down on my knees to clean it out.  I think I'll have to find some fresh wood chips.   I gotta get me one of those knit hoodies that covers everything but your eyes and a pair of wool socks.  That oughta look cool!  I don't know if I ate breakfast yet!

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