Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Closer Look

If you look really close - Just above the upper left edge of the mirror you see HoJac Acres or Ranch... you can see 3 small trees just to the left of the house.  This is where I've been staying the last few weeks.  It has been great, but I'll be happy to be back home with Carolyn.  This trip has been great, not just for the solitude and peacefulness, but because I've been able to spend quality time with folks and family that I don't get to spend a lot of time with.  Jacque, Howard, and I will meet up 1/2 way between here and Denver sometime next week.  The next day I'll be back home.  I'm thankful for the time that I've had here.  I am very appreciative, as is my family, that Carolyn so generously shared me with them for this long period of time.

I will carry great memories back home with me.  I will have those forever.  As much as I've enjoyed it here, it will be good to be back with my Carolyn.

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