Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Letting Go - the Freedom to Be

What is alone? Is it a clear and empty place? Is it a clear an empty mind? Is it anything. Certain kinds of aloneness can hurt deeply. I think a person can be totally surrounded by things, people, ideas, thoughts and still be very alone.

I'm not sure if it is a result of trial and tribulation, ostrasization, disconnectedness, or even depression. It is hard to understand the impact of this aloneness - especially if it occurred very long ago - and you don't realize until you are in a new place that you were alone and it hurt - but you just couldn't face it at the time - but it lingered in you somehow, in some form - until it could be safely released - with no blame, no need to understand the cause - just to know that you are not alone, and that you are loved - a part of a universe that is both generous and alive.

Sometimes we are isolated and sometimes we isolate ourselves - is it better if it is by choice? I don't know the answers to any of these questions. I do know that when we are ready healing miracles can happen and happen completely without blame - just in the releasing of those things that have gripped us unconsciously for years - it isn't a looking back so much as it is a letting go and giving yourself the space and freedom to let go.


I have a tee time for tomorrow - looking forward to playing at Fitz and it is so good to be more in the moment than I knew I could be.

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