Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It is what it is!

8:30 PM - A quiet day, A beautiful day - the sun shone all day long.  The snow barely melted at all and the wind blew hard enough to fill in the drive at the top of the hill.  I blasted through it this morning - and then again when I came home in the early evening.  I'd best clear the way tomorrow.  I do not want to get stuck. 

Mom and I went to Tama today - the casino -- won some, lost some, lost more than I won - so, a net loss but we had fun and some good food.

Today was laundry day for me.  there's something therapeutic about  folding clothes fresh out of the dryer - soft, warm - very nice.  Carolyn and I had a nice long video telephone conversation this evening.  She is the absolute best and beautiful - body, heart, and soul. 

I'll be eating at brother Mike's tomorrow night - looking forward to it.  Need to make sure i call Lana and Patti.  I'm looking to the next 86400 moments, but best get back to the one I'm in.  Be yourself - trying to be anything or anyone else just creates stress!  

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