Friday, February 19, 2010


One is never sure why one gets up as early or as late as one does - today is early - too early by Colorado time, but okay by Iowa time, but still....  Ah well one must enjoy those extra moments that one gets -- to do whatever they want with -- I choose to enjoy!

  • A song - One is the loneliest number
  • A movie - Jet Li's One - also 1 of my favorites
  • Potato Chips - One is never enough
  • The last straw - One too many
  • Count down - Three, Two, One
  • Everything - I'll take One of everything
  • Books -- I'm just about finished hon - One more paragraph, page, chapter
  • Kinds -- One of a kind
Ah, there are a million of them, or maybe a million and One. Like today is One of those dust where just want to be totally alone.  Oh my gosh, it's snowing again -- I mean it is really snowing, not a blizzard though.  Of course, speaking of One get a load of the number One duck.  I guess you would call him the alpha drake, top duck, numero uno.  I'd just put the food in the hut -- this dude was the first one on shore! Now, I need to go get that plant revived!

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