Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Day - Another...(Written on Sunday, Posted on Monday)

12:45 PM  Well, another opportunity to be all I can be.  Few thoughts have crossed my mind - it has been a very mellow sort of day.  We were supposed to get 12" of snow last night, it didn't happen.  I'll call Mum in the morning and see if she wants to go shopping or anything.  I'm still enjoying this "retreat".  I think that is what it really is.. a retreat for both Carolyn and I.  I do believe it emphasizes that we need another vehicle besides the pick-up.  Something that gets far better gas mileage for just getting around the town.  Carolyn says the pickup is a curse.  Everyone wants to use it - but few are willing to put the gasoline in it.  I'm going to watch "Drunken Monkey" -it's one of those kungfu movies I like so much.  I don't know why, it's just fun to watch!

Next Day -  well that's it I wrapped it and didn't know I wrapped it... so, on to the next Moment.

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