Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It Is all Around Us!

6 AM -- It's early, It's dark, I missed the choppers, the coffee tastes good, putting my shopping list together because I'm headed for the big city this morning - Des Moines - and then to Oskaloosa to have an original MaidRite - and visit sister Sharon.  I talked to brother Lewis already and he described the model he wants me to get him - not many stores sell models anymore - so it might be a bit of a treasure hunt - looking forward to each and every moment of it!

6:53AM -- Fresh rabbit tracks outside - the frost on the trees is stunning.  On the drive home last night - even though Patti had warned me -- a deer darted in front of me, thank God for ABS.  It was close -- good thing I was taking it easy or the new car would have had some decoration.  I hope to get along that road at dusk. Lana and Patti both told me I'd likely see lots of deer and some wild turkeys.  I haven't seen wild turkeys since the Red Wood forests in California.  I want to get some pictures of snow drifts today, they can be awesome in their beauty.  Have a great day - I'll write more later.

9:36 PM - Well I got everything I went to get.  The model was more than an adventure, but finally found some - those little plastic kits have really gone up in price.  I was shocked.  But then, what hasn't gone up in price.   I left Des Moines and went down to Terrible's at Osceola - had a fabulous Iowa Tenderloin sandwich done to absolute perfection - the tenderloin was about 3 times bigger than the bun as advertised - best I've had in 30 years - I should've taken a picture.  I slipped into the casino - tried two machines, doubled my money on the second one and split for Oskaloosa - I think I was in the Casino for less than twenty minutes.

The road to Oskie was absolutely harrowing - snow and ice patches all the way - strong wind with blowing snow,  I'm staying off the roads tomorrow if I can at all help it and I can.  Talk about being in the moment - it was a steering wheel gripping experience -- so took longer than I expected -- but I still met Sharon and Danny on time.  We had some excellent Maid-Rites and good conversation.  The trip back to Monte was slow - same road conditions and much darker - not what I would call fun.  But having met all my goals and experienced the fun and friendship of the day, it was fantastic!

Please take care - drive safely - love each and every moment that you have.  Oh yes, adventure "is all around us" - we are it!

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