Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day and Heather's Birthday Celebration

7:01 AM -- there is a picture I could post, but I think it would just be TMI.  Since it is a special day, I think I'll add some Baileys to my coffee this morning.  The snow is really coming down now - I'll have to dig out - yeah!  Ohhhh that's good!  Went out to supper with Lana, Jack, Mike, and Doris last night - Mexican restaurant in  Grinnell.  Mum just called - we recommended I stay in today - given the weather.  I do need to trudge down and feed the Mallards again.  Gosh this coffee is good!  I'll think about posting that picture.

7:22 AM -- Been watching the ducks down by the open part of the pond. Why do they stand on 1 leg? Is it so only one foot gets cold?  I never noticed them switch legs.  they look twice the size as normal - to keep warm they must have their feathers all poofed up.

10:59 AM -- just got back from feeding the Mallards.  All of life is a lesson.  Never walk where you are unfamiliar with the terrain and the ground is covered with snow.  You can end up to your belly button in a drift.  Furthermore it ain't exactly easy to get yourself extricated -- but it is worth a few laughs.  Anyway, job done and the duck's are quacking merrily!

4:43 PM -- Everyone is home (in Colorado) from the surprise party they had for our eldest (now 40).  All had a good time.  They said there were 50 people there.  That is great.  Carolyn took all the grandkids home - she loves to have the grandkids over and while I'm here in Iowa, she can have them over all she wants - it is great for her!  I guess I'll post a picture of Heather - since they are celebrating her birthday today.

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