Monday, February 8, 2010

I Truly Don't Know What a Blog Is

I guess I ought to look it up. I'm more (or less) using it as a journal that anybody can, but nobody does read. So, is it a waste of space? Or, maybe, it is a wonderfully cathartic discourse that someone might accidentally be amused by or have a life change experience from (which I seriously doubt). Talk about discourse. One great thing about dogs is their communication skills. You always know what they want - because they truly live in the moment and they tell you what they want - they also tell each other, in no uncertain terms. It is a wonderful thing. what is really wonderful is that they rarely snap at each other, but when they do, they mean it then they are the best of friends again.

Oh, by the way -- . I guess what I'm doing is truly a blog -- so cool! Now, I know there is a prettier way to show this link - but I don't know coding like my daughter Kindle does. There are some cheats available, but I couldn't understand that either. (still snowing by the way).

6PM Mtn update. It has been a very relaxing day - The dogs have played in the snow half a dozen times, which means cleaning the up half a dozen times. Carolyn and I watched the episode of "Undercover Boss" - loved it. Getting ready for a trip.

Enjoying th evening...

So, today, differently than other days, I started a post this morning. Made a couple of entries throughout the day and will post this evening before hitting the hay. Now, I think I can post now and come back later (if I remember) and edit the post.

By the way I've said nothing about the picture. It is a commemorative of the AFTAC Alumni Conference held in Colorado in 2007. The local Alumni hosted the event and designed the commemorative.

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