Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winters Past

Winters past
Snow filled streets
White every where...

A picture of winter past - the Opel Kadet, our first car. this was on 8932 Kent Street in Westminster, Colorado. I'm not sure why I took the picture. I do remember, though, it was a winter of fun - building snowmen with the kids, making snow angels, getting ready for Christmas.

Today was not the typical winter day - it got nice and warm outside. Folks were out on the golf course - Monday I'll be playing. We visited Kindle and Drew today - Kindle made the mistake of indicating she was making cookies via her Facebook page. I love cookies! She made some for "pops". We went over to collect them and I had a Glen Levitt while I was there. It was a nice visit - lasting just about the right amount of time- never getting to the point where there was nothing else to say.

I'm really liking Facebook - it is another way to visit and stay in touch without being nosy or intrusive. It's also a good way to share some pictures and maybe a few brief tales.

Listening to "Soundscapes" , our favorite Comcast music station - preparing for the night - it is very relaxing. The music brings me back to the present and reminds me that the moment I'm in is the moment I have!
Listening to "Soundscapes" - our favorite

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